Tord- I Don't Hate You

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(Your POV)

I slide my bandaged arms through my (f/c) hoodie, wincing at the pain from last nights session. I sigh, mentally preparing myself for today. Tord constantly has to bring me down, Doesn't help that I genuinely like him as a person. I have a crush on him, and he fucking hates me.

Who wouldn't, huh?

I'm a mess, I'm ugly, and I'm weak. I cant handle joking, and I'm too sensitive. Make a slight negative comment about me, and I'll cry.

I leave my room, avoiding eye contact with Tord. He laughs, watching me grab some cookies from the shelf. "Haven't you had enough? Tone it down a notch." He laughs, and I place them back.

He's right. I'm fat.

I walk over to the couch, sitting next to Matt. Tord smirks at me, walking over and sitting beside us. "Why you sitting next to Matt, hmm? Got a crush on him or something?"

"No. Why you sitting next to me? Got a crush on me or something?" I reply. He scoffs.

"You wish. Nobody would ever like you." Tord replies. Matt looks at Tord with disbelief, drawing me into a friendly hug. I smile at him.

"Nonsense, Who wouldn't like (Y/n)! She's funny, humble, and beautiful! You're the one who isn't seeing it, Tord." Matt says. He's a wonderful friend, and I know he doesn't mean it that way. Tom and Edd have done the same thing. Tord smirks at me, leaning his face uncomfortably close to mine.

"Well if you don't like him, Matt certainly likes you." Tord devilishly smiles, and Matt lets go of me.

"No, He's just being a good friend. Unlike you, commie." I say, pushing his face away from mine. Tord raises his hand, swiftly slapping my across the face. I sit there in shock, tears welling in my eyes from the pain. Staring straight into his guilt-ridden eyes, I grit my teeth.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. It was just a reflex I-" Tord says, before I cut him off.

"Do that again and I'll break the same hand you jerk off with when you're watching hentai motherfucker." I hiss, and he looks taken back.

"I wasn't watching hentai! I was reading!" He defends himself, and I scoff.

"Bullshit you were reading. You cant even spell worthless."

"You would know, considering you are." Tord spits, a huge pang hitting me in the chest. A tear falls from one of my eyes, and I yell 'Go fuck yourself Tord' as I storm off to my room. Motherfucker..

~Time skip to later, night time~

My reflection in the mirror shows the bruise on my swollen cheek, Thanks Tord. Thanks for trying your hardest to make me fall out of the crush I have on you. Well, You fucking failed. I press my hand to my cheek, tears falling out of my eyes.

I'm hopeless, I'm worthless, and I deserve to die. Of course Tord doesn't like me back.

Shooting a guilty look at my sock drawer, I dig through until my fingers hit metal. My blade. Clutching my prize in my hands, I close the drawer and sit on my bed. Pointing the tip at my wrist, gliding it across slowly and painfully. The crimson liquid flows freely down my arm, staining the sheets.


After cut,

After cut,

After cut.

My arm shakes with mercy, begging for the pain I'm inflicting to stop. Each line of red flowers grows taller and taller, Teardrops watering the deep red flowers. Their long stems spiraling around others, eventually wilting. Pedal falling with the wind, or carried away with the rain.

A loud sob escapes my throat, and a knock on my door startles me. Startles me enough to drop my blade into the crack of my bed. "Fuck!" I yell. Another knock on my door. I quickly draw my sleeves down, covering the murder scene. "Go away Tom. I swear I'm not doing it again." I say.

Yeah, Tom is the only one who knows. He checks up on me constantly, and I really get upset when he finds my blades. I always have to buy more.

There's silence on the other side, until I hear a familiar voice. "..Doing what, (Y/n)?" Tord's thick Norwegian accent rings in the silence, and I freeze. Why is he here?!

"Why do you care Tord?" I say, my voice breaking at the end. Motherfucker, Now he knows I'm upset!

"Are you crying? What are you doing?" Tord says. I don't reply, Watching the blood seep through my sleeves in silence. "I'm coming in." He says, and I draw the blankets over my arms quickly.

Tord opens the door, and I avoid eye contact with the devil horned Norwegian. He makes his way over to my bed, sitting down beside me. I feel him staring at my face, burning holes into my cheek.

"I'm really sorry for hitting you. You just touched my face and it was reflex and-" Tord pauses, staring at the blanket I have over my arms. I look down at the drops of blood as well. "Were you bleeding? Were you-" Tord asks, stopping suddenly. His face looks worried, and he draws the blanket away.

I clutch my arms to my chest, refusing to reveal and blood. "Why do you even care Tord? Just this morning you were calling me fat and worthless, and now you're acting as if you always cared." I say clutching my arms tighter, tears flowing farther, Biting my bottom lip to keep from sobbing. "Stop acting like you don't hate me. I know you hate me Tord. I know." I say.

Tord looks down at my arms, grabbing my wrists gently. "I don't hate you, (Y/n). I just suck at showing love, so I make it seem like I don't at all. I'm sorry. You're probably the one who hates me." Tord says, slowly peeling my arms away from my chest.

I give in as Tord lifts up my sleeve, tears stinging his eyes. Once my sleeve was all the way up, he lifts my wrist up and places his lips on a fresh cut. "I'm sorry I made you do this, I'm so so sorry. I love you, (Y/n). I really do. I'm sorry." Tord says.

"I-I've had a-a-a crush on you f-for, for I long t-t-time. S-sorry for being in-incomp-" I struggle for words, tears eating me up from the inside. Tord places two hands on each side of my face, pulling me into a kiss.

I hate myself, but I love him.


A/n: I cri

I spent days figuring out how I would write this, and now that I've finished, I fucking hate it.

Yeah, tell me how you feel about this.



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