A Couple of Days - Tord

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(oh hey yes, i felt like writing this. not really a mental disease, but depression and scars are a part so hey trigger warning)

I lay in my bed, watching YouTube and eating snacks. After clicking on a LazyTown meme video a trailer for La La Land comes on, and while I watch the trailer I can't help but feel a tear stream down my-

Wait a minute...

Am I crying at a romance movie trailer?

I quickly leave the video, switching off to my playlist. (HAMILTRASH WHERE YOU AT) Unexpectedly, the Stay Alive Reprise comes on.  Sob-singing along, I sob-scream once its finished, before I sit up in bed fast.

What day is it?


oh nO!

Jumping out of bed, while spilling a bag of chips all over the floor, I run towards the bathroom. Rummaging through the drawers, I pull out a box of tampon/pads only to find it empty. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??!?!" I scream in anger. I'm out. I'm completely out of products.

I scream again, while throwing the box on the ground. "MOTHERFUCKER!" Yelling, I rush back to my room. 

While sifting through the mess of my room, to find my keys, A knock on the door causes me to yelp. I turn towards the door, not moving to open it. "WHAT?!!" I scream, still pissed about getting spited by the menstrual gods.

"uh..You alright in there?" Tord says, and I freeze. Fuck why did I yell at him wHY-

"Uh...Actually..." I think for a second, debating whether to ask him to go to the store or keep this a secret until he guesses. On one hand, I've bled through everything and I need supplies. On another hand, I'm on my period and this is a house full of boys. 

Especially these boys.

"Yeah?" Tord says, and I decide to say.

"I need you to go to the store for me. I need..stuff." I say. I fidget with my hands. What am I doing?! I can't tell my crush-oh yeah didn't mention that-about this! He'll tease me and laugh and oh nooo...

"Wait..What kind of 'stuff'?" Tord says, sorta suspicious. I inhale sharply, the urge to scream is strong. But, before I can scream, cramps hit me like a truck. I fall onto my side, holding my abdomen. I let out a strained groan, and the door opens.

I groan again, curling up further. The simple movement causes me to feel gross, and the opening of the door causes me to panic a little. Tord walks towards me, before scrunching up his face. I look at him with a face that screams 'I'm in so much pain holy fuck'. "The smell is blood. Lots of blood." I say. 

Tord's confused expression eases, and he kneels down to pick me up and set me on my bed. I curl up, and he takes notice of my scared legs before looking away quickly. He glances again before glancing at my hoodie. "Is the blood a relapse or your period?" Tord says, and I hide my face.

In past time, Tord had helped me through self-harm, I've been clean for 2 months. I swallow the lump in my throat, coughing to clear my voice. "Period. Can, Can you get the stuff for me or not?" I say, turning over to a comfortable position. Tord nods in response.

"I'll be back in a bit. You rest until I'm back." He says, leaving. I lay back, closing my eyes for a sec..


(Tord's POV)

The squeaking wheels on the shopping cart somewhat distract me from the shopping of female products. After picking out exactly what she wanted, I decide to grab (f/d) and chocolate for (Y/n). I smile at the image of her grateful and happy face, She'll be so happy.

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