Jon x Reader- I Won't Let Them Hurt You

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Jon x Hella Depressed Reader, requested specially by  @ToriTamara, whom of which I somehow can't tag because my computer is an asshole.

(Your POV)

Another day, another debt to pay.

I can't fall back asleep but my body aches for the relief of it. All I can do is stare at the cracks and flaws of my wall as I listening to the criticizing remarks from my captors, and Jon.

I said Captors, only because I know they're abusive but I can't move out of this house. My low paying job doesn't provide a decent amount of money for me to pay rent, on my own at least. In the beginning I was just finished with college and my boyfriend, Jon, offered me a space. I was briefly informed of the other two, but I got no other explanation as to why Jon lives with them.

All I know is that I'm weak, but not as weak as I could be. With a heavy sigh I stand up and grab a pair of sweats off my floor, weakly pulling them over my thin legs, my mind morphing them to be larger than they appear. My meds. I need to take them before I decide to take a "gone day". 

I grab my signature jacket/hoodie and trudge out the small bedroom.  I step down the hallway, hearing snickering in the living room. I lazily walk into the kitchen and grab the tiny bottle of Prozac off the shelf, popping 2 pills in with a glass of water. 

I glance over at the donut box on the counter, raising my eyebrows in shocked pleasure. "Fuck yeah.." I say to myself as I open the box.

A familiar voice chimes in as a hand closes the box, taking it away. "Ah-ah-ah! Not for you, pig." Mark says, Taking the box over to where him and Eduardo sat on the couch. I groan in disbelief, making my way over back to my room.

I listen to the taunting oinks from the two, and just as I was about to leave- "Okay I fucking get it! Shut the hell up and leave me alone! I clearly heard you the first time, dipshits!" I scream, stomping over to the men on the couch.  Eduardo stand with a scowl.

"What did you say, skank?" He growls, I glare at him with no backing down.

"I'm positive you aren't deaf, asshole. You heard me loud and clear." I spit.

A hard and fast forces hits me square in the jaw, sending me back a few feet. I glare daggars at the culprit of this crime. "You fucking bitch! You live under my house, you respect me, whore!" Eduardo screams.

I stand up and pop my neck. "As long as you return the favor, dick. Go suck Satan's left nipple and rot in hell, scumbag." I state, walking over to my room, locking the door behind me. 

Finally, some peace and quiet. All I need is my computer and earbuds, leaving myself to be this piece of shit I am for one day. I shrug off the jacket, eyes lingering at the old scars and new wounds, marking my failures over time. I decide to leave my sweats on.

I grab my laptop from its charger, tugging the blanket over my legs as I sit up in bed. I pop my earbuds in, going to my YouTube tab and clicking play for the playlist to start.  I lay back as the soft music rings in my ears, drowning out my thoughts. 

Sleep on me, feel the rhythm of my chest, just breathe.
I will stay, so the lantern in your heart won't fade.

I take in a deep breath, closing my eyes. I wish Jon was here, or if he could help. Was he in this same cycle of abuse and regret?

The secrets you tell me,

I hear light yelling outside of my music, angry shouting and mixed emotions of repressed anger and confusion.  After it stopped, there was a light knock at my door.

I'll take to my grave.

I stare at the door, saying nothing. A light sigh and the sound of a locked being picked echoes through my mind, past the music and everything else.

There's bones in my closet,

Jon peaks his head in, a light smile on his face not masking his deep sadness. I return it with a neutral look of my depression. He walks over and lays next to me, cuddling at my side. I smile at him.

But you hang stuff anyway.

His small eyes twinkle with small innocence as he leans forward to plant a kiss on my forehead. I giggle lightly. Jon laughs along, taking an earbud out of one of my ears and putting it in his.

We think back to our college days, nostalgic memories flooding at full force. They're peaceful. We used to walk around campus in the fall afternoons and get hot chocolate, telling childhood stories and ranting about our majors. 

And if you have nightmares,

In the summer we would get ice cream and laugh at how we used to get it on our noses. Back then I could walk around in shorts and not feel exposed, a feeling I took advantage of. I remember the winter night Jon confessed his love for me, we were both drunk off our minds and sitting in my dorm. It wasn't ideal but it was comedic for sure. 

We'll dance on the bed.

We stayed there for 2 years, He majored in Psychology, and I majored in (preferred Major). We knew everything about each other, and helped each other through everything that was a problem.

I know that you love me, love me,

Jon looked me in the eyes, cuddling and burying himself in my side. "I wish we could stay like this forever." Jon said, closing his eyes. I let out a light laugh.

Even when I lose my head,

"Me too."



A/N: eyy

So as you may or may not know, I've decided to stop writing this book. It's because I started a Camp Camp fanfic on Ao3 and its stressful to switch over and over again and to manage multiple books. Plus school, therapy, and my precious sleep is in the mix as well.

This fic was dedicated to ToriTamara

okay so now it work fuk you computer

yeet bye


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