Edd - PTSD

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(Requested by -javabrain , The reader here has lived in an abusive household before moving in with her friends, The Eddsworld crew, and nobody else in the house knows until someone suspects something)

(Your POV)

Sitting on the couch, I sit contently watching (favorite TV show). Tom and Edd sit beside me on either side, Matt sitting next to Edd and Tord sitting next to Tom. As Tord smokes his cigar and Tom drinks his vodka, My heart beats faster and faster.

Tord looks at Tom, Puffing his smoke directly at his face. Tom coughs, shoving him away. Faster. "What the hell Tord?!" Tom yells. Faster. Tord laughs.

"Well I'm sorry, did I upset you?" Tord smirks, waving his cigar around and puffing more smoke at Tom. My breathing hitches up. Tom stands up, Smirnoff in hand. FASTER.

"Yeah! You kinda did!" Tom yells. I can't take it anymore. Standing up, I put my hand in-between them both.

"Okay, okay, No need to fi-" I start to say, before Tord picks me up and throws me onto the couch.

"You're NOT a part of this (Y/n)!" Tord yells, and At that moment, I can't help but remember...


Thrown onto the couch by my mother, Mom and Dad continue to fight. I sit there, shocked, as Dad waves around his beer bottle and Mom pokes Dad with her cigarette. I know I can't say anything, or else I'll get beat. Blood rushing through my head, heart pounding so hard, I can't hear what Mom and Dad are saying.

But I do see Dad smash his beer bottle over my mom's shoulder.

Mom holds her shoulder, only stepping back two steps before putting out her cigarette on my dad's forehead. Tears stream down my face as my dad throws the first punch, and escalating into a full-blown fight between the two.  

In the distance I hear: "Are you okay (Y/n)?! Do something!" and I shake with fear. Who the hell's talking? I hold my hands over my hears, rocking back and forth in this hell hole. Hiccuping, I look up at them, Dad clearly winning the fight. "Mom, Dad.." I say softly, barely audible.

I can feel confusion and shock in the atmosphere, and I'm confused as to why I feel the words coming out of my mouth are wrong. 'Those aren't their names.' I think, clenching my fists. "MOM! DAD! STOP FIGHTING PLEASE!" I cry, still unsure as to what i'm saying. Mom and Dad turn towards me, and I realize as to why the names sounded wrong.

(flashback ends, You were living through a flashback wooaah)

Tom and Tord turn towards me with confused expressions, and I try to fix myself. "Um..I-I-I-I-I meant Tom and Tord, Stop fighting...please..." I say, Looking down. I fumble with my thumbs, and Now I realize that a pair of arms are holding me close.

I tense up at realizing that Edd's holding me, trying to calm me down. I get out of his lap quickly, running off to my room. "WAIT! (Y/N)!" Edd calls, but I still run with the fuel from my embarrassment and skipping heartbeat. Edd has made me feel...Happy..? Grateful? Grateful. Edd has made me feel grateful, for he had dragged me away from that hellhole of a home.

Slamming my door behind me, I flop down on the floor with a loud groan. Wiping any extra tears away from my red face, I clutch my knees close to my chest. "God fucking damnit.." I curse to myself, taking out my phone and earbuds from my (f/c) hoodie pocket.

And I let my music take me away...


《Edd POV》

I sigh heavily, looking towards Tom and Tord. Letting my expression fall, I sit down heavily on the couch. "....Guys?" I say, breaking the depressing silence. Tom, Tord, and Matt all look towards me. "Do you think...something happened? What happened to her?" Hanging my head down, I wait for a reply.

"...I think I understand what happened." Tom says, looking down. "(Y/n) yelled 'Mom, Dad, stop fighting please!' and I used to have a friend that did things like that sometimes. I think she has PTSD, her parents must've caused her distress." Tom said, and Tord stared at him with amazement.

"You got all of that from one sentence?" Tord said, and I realized something.

"You two, you also triggered her PTSD." I said to them, standing up. They flinched, and I tied their hoodie strings together. "You don't get untied until you can be nice to each other!" I said, leaving them in the living room. I made my way up to (Y/n)'s room. 

I stop at her door when I hear singing, Pressing my ear against the wood. "Dear Theodosia, what to say to you? You have my eyes, You have your mothers name. When you came into the world you cried, and it broke my heart." (Y/n) sung softly, and I smiled, sitting down by the door.

"I'm dedicating every day to you,
Domestic life, was never quite my style.
When you smile, You knock me out, I fall apart.
and I thought I was so smart.
You will come of age with our young nation,
We'll bleed and fight for you.
We'll make it right for you.
If we lay a strong enough foundation,
We'll pass it on to you,
We'll give the world to you,
And you'll blow us all away!
Someday, Someday...
Yeah you'll blow us all away!
Someday, Someday..." (Y/n) continues, and I sigh. She can sing perfectly still, even after having a PTSD flashback.

Suddenly, she stops singing. I hear her breathing, very sharp, quick breathing. Fuck, she heard me! I stand up quickly, and stare at her door, knocking. (Y/n) opens the door slowly, her eyes panicked and face flushed full pink. I feel my face heat up as well, Considering I'm going to um-er- nevermind.

"uh..hey!" I say, scratching the back of my neck. (Y/n) purses her lips, and I notice her eyes are puffy from crying still. She tugs on the ends of her hoodie strings, shifting around.

"Hey..Sorry about..earlier..I was just, remembering something." (Y/n) says, rubbing her eyes furiously to stop tears. I walk inside her room, and she starts to stutter. under her breath I hear: "No, No what, what are you doing, oh shit, god why, I'm done, kill me"

"(Y/n), Can I, ask you something?" I say, fidgeting with my hands. (Y/n) panics slightly, A look of fear planted on her face, before nodding.

"Um..Would you, like to...uh..go out sometime? I may not know you completely through and through, but I really care about you and enjoy your company. It pains me to see you cry or panic, I feel a sense of comfort when comforting you, and I feel happy when you smile. I, really like you, (Y/n)." I say slowly, looking down.

"..Yes. Gladly." (Y/n) says, with a wide goofy smile. I smile, hugging her happily. (Y/n) laughs, wrapping her arms around my neck.

Burying my face into her hair, I close my eyes and take in everything around me at once.

I love her.




Well, I finally finished this after god knows how long of a hiatus

you're welcome everyone


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