Matt - Please Eat

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I stare at my reflection in the mirror, Sticking my tongue out at myself. Gross. I'm such a pig, I don't deserve breakfast today either. Grabbing my hoodie, I slide into it with ease.

Making my way downstairs, I smell bacon sizzling. My stomach growls, and I turn up my nose at the thought. No, No food. I haven't eaten in days, yet I still haven't achieved my goal. I want to be thin, model thin, So that Matt can like me. He's so cute, and I'm just fat.

I sit down at the couch, Avoiding the thought of bacon. Everyone else sits at the table, enjoying breakfast, as I flip through channels. Edd notices me, holding out a plate of bacon towards me. "Hey (Y/n)! There's some bacon left, want it?" Edd says, and I shake my head.

"I'm not hungry." I say, and as if on queue, My stomach growls. F U C K. I stand up quickly, slipping on some slippers. "I'm gonna take a walk, See ya." I say, heading out the door before they can protest.

Heading out the door, Eduardo laughs from across the fence. "Starving still? Don't blame ya, fatass." He says, and I hurry down the street. He's right, he's so fucking right.

Suddenly, my head swirls. I stop to control my dizziness, but instead I collapse. My face goes pale, and my stomach growls again. Right there onto the pavement, I give in to oblivion.



"I'm gonna take a walk, see ya." (Y/n) says, heading quickly out the door. Edd, Tord, Tom, and I all exchange worried looks, Edd sighing as he sets down the plate of bacon. Edd sits down beside me, running his hand through his hair.

"She hasn't eaten in 5 days, guys. She's gonna starve, what's she doing?!" I say, picking up Edds stress like its contagious. (Y/n) is too perfect to die! She's destroying her body, and for what? Looks, probably. She wants to be thin, even though she's already perfect.

Tom chugs down some Smirnoff, Gripping his hair. Tord turns to the door, listening in on something Eduardo said. I couldn't hear, but he pulls his gun out of his pocket and opens the window. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BUM! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE SAYIN'!" Tord yells, firing aimlessly out the window.

Before he slams the window panes, Eduardo yells "OW, MY KNEE! MY FAVORITE KNEE!" and Tord sits down angrier than before. I stand up from the table, Opening the door to leave. I'm going to find (Y/n), get her to eat, and she can live.

She needs to live.

"I'm going to get (Y/n), guys. Be right back." I say, leaving the house. From the corner of my eye, I can see Eduardo clutching his knee. I don't care, I'm looking for (Y/n). Walking around, I notice a feminine body sprawled out on the pavement. Sprinting towards the body, I quickly pick her up.



I pace around the living room, Worried about (Y/n)'s health. This entire household loves her, and we show that. Different kinds of love, that is. Tom is like her bestfriend, they get along easily and conversation isn't hard to make. Tord is like her partner in crime, They constantly are getting into trouble. I'm like her older brother, always making sure she's okay and that she doesn't get hurt.

And everybody in this house knows, Except (Y/n), Matt has a crush on her.

My worried thoughts are interrupted as Matt kicks the door down with an unconscious (Y/n) in his arms. With no hesitation I rush over, Helping him with getting her onto the couch and grabbing a wet rag.

"What happened?!" I yell, ringing out the rag onto her forehead, trying to wake her up. Matt looks panicked, so much he's shaking.

"I don't know! I found her asleep on the pavement!" Matt says. I notice (Y/n) stirring, and I press the rag to her forehead.

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