(1) Another Day, Another Case

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The gunshot rang in the dark alleyway. 

"Help. Please, oh god, help!" a woman shrieked, praying and hoping somebody would hear her.

Of course, nobody did.

She held onto her injured, bleeding leg and fell backwards. 


The figure, hidden behind the mask, shot her more than he or she could've counted. 

Bang Bang

Her dead body laid on the ground, immobile and silent.

The lieutenant was no longer alive.


"You must be kidding me!" McGee cried, staring at their handcuffed hands.

"How's it going, guys?" Nick asked, stifling a laugh.

"Fine. Just fine." Ellie commented, glaring into Torres's soul.


"You're going to attempt to do a trick on us!?" Ellie exclaimed, clearly confused and suspicious.

"Magic trick, yes. Don't worry. I got this. My friend taught me this yesterday." Nick replied confidently.

"And why do you have to try this on us?" McGee asked, unconsciously holding his hand.

"Alright, let's start!" Nick said quickly, diverting the question.

He snapped the handcuffs onto McGee's right wrist and Ellie's left wrist.

"Okay, okay. We see what you're doing. Now, what's the trick?" they both asked abruptly.

Nick smiled.

"I'm going to take it off without the key! Just watch and learn." Nick answered as he threw the key in the direction of McGee's desk.

Both of the handcuffed agents gasped in horror as it disappeared under the desk.

At least 30 minutes had gone by and the handcuffs weren't budging. To make matters worse, none of them were able to find the key.

//End of Flashback//

Alex, with a cup of water in one hand, came through the open elevator and made her way towards the three agents. 

"Um, what happened here?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and taking a sip from her cup.

The situation didn't speak for itself that much, as McGee was under his desk with Nick and anybody in close radius could hear them arguing. Ellie was sitting on McGee's chair as her arm was being tugged constantly.

"Nick's an idiot." Ellie just summarized as Torres cried, "Hey!"

"Oh. Well, I'm just going to go...over there." she awkwardly muttered, pointing to her desk.

The elevator dinged and Ellie and Alex looked over, seeing Gibbs walk out. The other two agents stuck their heads out under the desk as well and all four agents stared at him.

"Looking for this?" he smirked.

Gibbs casually bent down to pick up the key and tossed it over to Ellie.

"Oh m-thank you so much!" the handcuffed agents yelled as they both struggled to unlock it.

"Yeah thanks. You know, I realized I need to talk to Abby real quick." Nick mumbled as Ellie and McGee glared his ego down.

He started running and was about half-way out of the bullpen as Gibbs stopped him.

"Wait Torres. You can't leave just yet." Gibbs announced. "Grab your gear. Got a death at the alley behind Olley's."" 

A/N: I hoped you guys liked my story. Thanks for reading! I'm not a very good author, so I apologize if this story has a bad beginning. I'll try to make future chapters better!

Updated A/N: This story was written in November 25, 2016 and I've decided to rewrite it and try to update it more :) I'm sorry for not updating it in a while but I just had no idea how to continue it :( The sentences are basically the same (for those who have previously read it before the update). I've modified it by a bit to because my writing style had changed so I felt weird to go on with the story. Also - to warn you - in 2016, I had no story line for this. I basically wrote what came to mind so it might be a while before another chapter goes up. I need to figure out which road to take and stay there. Thank you for reading!

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