Unavoidable Eavesdropping

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“I can’t believe this! They look so peaceful and happy together…”

“Shush! You’re going to wake them!”

I groaned. Was that Ryan and Chaz…?

I opened one eye. Sure enough, there they were, standing over the couch, staring at Pearl and I.

“Look at what you did, Chaz! You woke them!” Ryan said, punching Chaz’s arm.

“Ouch!” Chaz rubbed his arm, “And no, I only woke up Justin!”

I shook my head and opened my other eye. I looked down at my chest and saw Pearl still asleep. I started to stroke her hair and then I looked back at Ryan and Chaz.

“I got your note,” I whispered, not wanting to wake Pearl.

“Oh, good,” Ryan whispered.

“How was it? I have yet to go jet skiing,” I said curiously.

“It was AMAZING! It was SO much fun! Ryan and I—”

“Chaz!” Ryan and I whispered/yelled at the same time.

“Sorry,” He said, bringing his voice down to a whisper.

“What did you do all day with Pearl?” Ryan murmured, gesturing to Pearl.

“Yeah, did you guys just do this all day? Cuddle?” Chaz asked, laughing quietly.

“No,” I rolled my eyes at Chaz and then looked down at Pearl to make sure she was still asleep before I told them what happened.

“Well, we decided to go to the beach and when we were in elevator I found out that she had a great time on our first date.”

“Oooooh, that’s good!” Ryan said excitedly. He wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed.

Chaz rolled his eyes. “Whatever. She hasn’t been on a date in forever; I doubt she’d care if it was special and romantic or just plain.”

I was about to tell Chaz that she said that it was the best date she’s ever been on because the only dates she had ever gone on were with shitty people and were at shitty places, but then Ryan spoke.

“So, what happened at the beach?” Ryan gave me a wink and I laughed again.

“Well, when we got to the beach I reminded her to put sunscreen on and she put it on me and I put it on her,” Ryan raised his eyebrows and I continued, “I was, like, rubbing it on her chest and I was practically massaging her boobs.”

“What?!” Chaz said loudly.

“Shush!” Ryan and I scolded him again.

We all looked at Pearl but she was still sound asleep. How, I have no idea.

“Anyway, she was totally enjoying it. I swear I heard her moan.”

“Score!” Ryan said giving me a high five.

Chaz shook his head. “You two disgust me!”

Ryan and I looked at him.

“Come on, Chaz. How are you not rooting for Justin?!” Ryan asked.

I was wondering the same thing myself. I mean, he knows how much of a charmer I am! And he treats girls like I do, so why wouldn’t he be on my side?

“Because, it’s our Pearl! Ryan, she’s like our little sister and I do not enjoy Justin putting the moves on her!” Chaz said.

Ryan and I looked at each other and then burst into quiet laughter. I guess that makes sense, but still. Chaz uses the weirdest words sometimes. When we were done laughing, Ryan asked me what else happened at the beach.

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