How It All Started

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Hey I just had this idea.. Let me kno if I shuld continue it..


20 years in the future...

"Mommy.." "Ya sweetie.." I asked my little girl with a baby voice. "Can u tell me how u and daddy met?" She asked.

"Well, where do I begin... Oh ya.." I pick her up and swing her around until she laughed and carried her to her bed.. I tucked her in and started the story.

It all started when I was 15 years old...

I have always been protective of my idol Justin Bieber. Everytime I hear a new fad come around that other people love I always get this jealous feeling tht they would take his fame away. So when I heard about this new British boy band, I got protective. Then everyone kept sayin how I need to watch the video diaries and other videos and I would fall in love. But I'm really stubborn and wouldn't do it. Until one nite....


'Theres nothing else to check on' I thought while on the laptop. I started thinkin some more..

'maybe I could just watch one video that wouldn't hurt would it?' So I did I typed in One Direction in the search bar...

A lot of results popped up. I remembered they said something bout video diaries so I clicked on the one tht had a picture of them on a couch in a light colored room. It starts out wit one lookin at a magazine sittin in a chair. And some music in the background..

Okay he just kissed it. Thts a little strange.. Then he sits on the couch he wearing a gray beanie wit his curly long hair stickin out in the front. He pretty cute.. Then another comes up from behind the couch and jumps over. He pretty cute too. Then I hear a toilet flush and cute blonde guy comes in. Then one popped up right in front of the camera and screamed "VAS HAPPENING!" Made me jump a foot in the air. The one tht came second asked "where's Louis ?" Ten they looked around and he came from out of nowhere. Okay maybe they're not so bad, they are actually really funny" I said to my self. I started to fall for the one wit curly hair I think his name is Harry.. Then towards the end when they are saying goodbye, Harry ripped the duck tape off of Louis's mouth and the smile. Oh wow! that smile just made something click inside my heart. so I watche the rest of the videos until I watched all of them. Wow! I never felt this way before, I started to love all of them.. The next day at school I told everyone I watched them.. And started talkin like I was crazy, they said I was starting to become obsessed well as they call it 'Directioner' .....


So I had this on a fan site.. And got attached to this and decided to put it up:) hope you like!

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