Chapter 4

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Once we got back to the hotel, they invited me to their suite. Of course I went imean what girl wouldn't.

We chatted for a while and got to know each other. When I got a text from my best friend Ashleigh, 'hey whts up'... I thought of a plan. "Hey guys we should do a prank on my friend!" I said.

"Ok what did u have in mind?" Louis asked with an evil grin. "Okay.. I'm going to call her and one Niall you laugh just randomly making her think its you but lie and say she just hearing things, lets just make her think she going crazy.." I explained. "Let's do it!" They all said at the same time.

So I call her, "hello?" She answered. "Hey I can't text so we can just talk now.." I say back. "Kevin? Kevin!!" Louis screamed out randomly.

"What was tht??" She asked suspiciously. "What was what? I didn't say I'm alone.." I said. "I could swear I heard someone like Louis say Kevin?!? Don't lie to me Lydia!!" She blurted out like she getting angry... "I have no idea what ur talking bout.. " i say and Niall laughs.

"Did I just hear my Niall laugh?!?!" She started freaking out now. "I think ur hearing things Ash...there's nobody in my hotel room but me.." I lied.

"I know when ur lying Lydia Rachel.. You squeak when you do..." She said. "I do not!" "Ha I knew it!" She gloated. " now who is there?!" I handed Niall the phone and he said, "hi there love" surprisingly she didn't freak out like expected her to they talked for a while.

Meanwhile me and the rest if the boys decided to watch a movie. Of course we pick Charlie St. Cloud... I always cry when I watch this. The movie starts and I sit comfy at the foot of the bed I this arrangement..

Lydia Harry Louis Liam Zayn

I start to cry and Harry notices and hands me a box of Kleenex. Such a gentlemen, I feel like we have known each other forever and have been best friends ever since.

When the movie is over, I look at my phone and it says 10:46 at night. "Oh shit! I have to go to my room and get some sleep." I said putting my shoes back on and grabbing my coat.

"Okay it was nice gettin to know you Lydia!" They all said smiling. "You guys too! Thanks for letting me come over!" I said walking out the door.

"Wait!" Said Harry, "I'm sorry for running into you tht put you into a shock." He said and I looked into those gorgeous green eyes said, "oh it's fine I wasn't watching where I was going anyway" I said. "Here give me ur phone!"

We exchanged phones and put our numbers in. "Talk to u later! Goodnight!" I said "sweet dreams!" Harry said....

Harry's part

When she shut the door to her room, I said to my self what I should have said to her, "come back beautiful, I want to kiss u goodnight too.." Even though we just met, it feels like we know each other, like we were made for each other.

I sit in the chair thinking about what I should do... I can't take it any more.. I have to talk to her beautiful face.

I go to her room, and knock. When she answers she's in her pajamas,

"Harry! Did u need something?" She asked. "Uh.. Yeah, I forgot to ask you something..would you like to go to dinner with me tomoro night?" I finally spit out.

She smiled, "uh.. Yeah I would really like that!" "Alright I will pick you up at 6.." I said. Just do it I told myself... I looked into her big dark brown eyes and we stood there for a few seconds just looking into each others eyes. Until I finally leaned in and took my chance...

I kissed her goodnight like I planned on.. But it felt more than just a goodnight kiss......


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