Chapter 12

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Sorry it's been a long time:/ got stuck writing my other one haha. Here's the next part!:)


*The Next Day*

Lydia's POV

I wake up still in their room, in Harry's arms on the couch. I look at my phone to see what time it is and realize that I have to pack to go to L.A. for the movie.

I carefully get up to go to the bathroom, and try not to wake him.

I'm standing there checking my phone when he wraps his arms round my waist and pulls me back down and says, "goodmorning beautiful". I grin, "good morning to u too," i lay there for second just looking into his eyes, "can I go to the bathroom now?" I laugh.

"But that means u will leave me.." He said with the pouty look. "Just for a minute" we both giggle and he lets me up.

I go to the bathroom, and when I come out Niall is awake and him and Harry are try to prank Louis. "What are u doing?" I whisper. They just look at me and carry on, they put marshmallows in his ears, Niall occasionally eating some.

Then they put whipped cream on his eye lids and round his mouth. Louis starts to wake up, and they put everything away and sit & watch TV.

I sit next to Harry, Niall is eating the marshmallows when Louis wakes up, "What the hell?!" He looks at us and glares. "Whts wrong Louis?" Niall said laughing. "Niall u ain't supposed to laugh" I told him smirked.

"He looks tasty, doesn't he Niall..." Harry said jokingly. We all just laughed.

A few minutes later I finally said, "guys, I have leave today.." They looked at me weird, and Harry looked disappointed, "how come?" Liam asked.

"Cuz I have to go to LA to do a movie.. It's my first one.."

They understood and I went to get my stuff ready for me to leave, Harry came with me. Once I got changed and everything else put in my bags, we just looked at each other. "I'm gona miss u so much!" I hugged him so tight, "I'll miss u too! But we will find a time to meet up and be with each other soon... I promise."

He said to me and kissed me, it was perfect. "I hope so."

Harry's part

We meet the lads back in the room and they said their good byes.

Then I went with her to the airport.

When we got there, she was about to board the plane when she turned around and said, "I don't want to leave you, these past few days have been the best days of my life and I don't want to leave it now" she was almost in tears, I squeezed her tight and kissed head forehead.

"We will keep in touch everyday til we find time to meet up, you need to take this chance and follow your dream. No matter what happens I promise I won't forget these days.." We hold on to each other and kiss one last time til she has to go.

I watch the plane take off and head back to the hotel, taking pics with fans here and there when I get back to the hotel.

The lads are watching tv and the news comes on, "we interrupt this broadcast to bring you important information, a plane has crashed from low fuel issues.." I hear I look at the picture of the plane and see that its the same plane Lydia got on!

"Oh no! That's Lydia's plane!" Tears formed in my eyes, "there have been reports that there are survivors and they are being taken to the nearest hospital." The lady said. "Lets go see if she's there!" Lou said.

We hurried there, there were tons of people there. We went to the front desk, "hi is there a Lydia Cummins checked in?" Liam asked the lady.

She looked in the computer and said, "yes. Room 124 down that hallway."

She pointed. I practically ran, I got to the room and saw her laying in the bed. My heart sunk just knowing she could have been killed. I walk over to her and she sees me and smiles real big. "Harry, your here!" She said In a low voice.

"Yes! Of course I am! How r you?" I knelt down next to the bed. "Okay.. I guess, my leg is broke and I have a cracked rib, but the doctor said I will be fine.." I feel so relieved that she's going to fine. "But.." "But wht?" My heart sinks again, "I can't do the movie now, and I might have to have surgery because a piece of my rib might have launched in the wall of my lung. I might not make the surgery if something goes wrong.." Tears formed in our eyes, "if that does happen, I want you to know..." She gasps for air..

I know exactly where this is going.

"Don't you even say it. Don't say goodbye." I choked up. "But harr-" she tried to cut in. I put my finger to her lips to shush her. "You know exactly as much I as I do that every surgery has risks. We were brought together for a reason and that is to be together for a very long time. I knew as soon as I laid eyes on you were special, something whispered in my head 'there she is.. She's the one'. So don't even think for one second this will probably be the last we see each other."

She just looked at me with tears forming in her eyes still, her lips forming into a smile. I just want to kiss those lips every second of everyday. I leaned forward grabbed her face gently closer and kissed her nice and slow.

"Lydia, I know it's only been a few days, but it's true, it is you.. I'm in love with you already." She looked like the most happiest person in the world when I said that, even in a hospital bed.

"Oh Harry! I love you too! you're the best thing that's ever happened to me!"


Hope you like it! Have a surprise coming soon:) thanks for reading! Keep voting and following!:)

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