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Next morning .. 

My mind is already flooded by thoughts. Each & every step i took towards school .. even more thoughts pooped in 

First and foremost how will I convince Jiyeon ..!!???  She is such an orthodox &  has her own philosophies. It's really hard to convince her in this issue. I don't even have a relevant reason to satisfy her

 What am I going to do ..!!??? What will I tell to Sehun ..??? 

Argghhh ... Beakhyun likes Ji yeon & why the hell i'm suffering here ..!!??? 

I went too deep into this that i failed to notice the surrounding 

Ji yeon called my name several times. Only then I came out of my thoughts & looked around. Without my knowledge i've reached here ..

"What's going on in your mind ..?? You didn't even notice me coming ..??" Ji yeon questioned me 

I took out My phone & then said the entire incident that took place in my home yesterday. I just cut the part of Sehun's proposal - to be our friend ..!!

Ji yeon felt equally happy as me for having my phone back 

We then reached school & I kept thinking how to start the conversation. She's short tempered & if I go wrong somewhere then for sure i knew that she may explode. 

First i must study her mood & then open up the talk aptly .. 

I begin the talk about some random K-drama stuff's.  But then she didn't seem to be much interested in this topic 

Well so her mood is not too good .. So it's not good to begin the conversation now .. May be in the break time I should talk about it 

By this time Sehun & Beakhyun entered. Immediately i shifted my eyes towards the book & tried my level best to avoid eye contact with them. I didn't read a single word but still i kept looking at the book until they went to their place 

I can't take this anymore ..!!!

I wonder when will this Teacher come. Normally they come early & take our lives out  

My prayers were immediately answered 

The history teacher started the lesson about "French revolution" 

A boring topic though...!!! Still i managed to open up my ears

Only while learning history I will realize that everyone's life is filled with struggles not just Mine 

Time passed by .. 

The entire class seemed to have a good & sound sleep due to the effect of history.

To wake us from the slumber the teacher put forth a question "An international airport of France is the named after a French President. Who is that ..??" 

I look at either sides .. 

The class president is missing or else by now she would have answered it 

Me.. I may know the answer but i didn't want to wrack my mind on this since i already have many things queued-up to think upon 

The teacher impatiently waited for the answer from the class 

"Charles de Gaulle .."someone said the answer ...

 I turned back to confirm who is it 

No doubt ...

Its Oh sehun 

How is this possible ..??? Is he so much brilliant .?? By chance is he good at academics ..!!?? 

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