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Eunha's POV 

I got down & went out of my house to the garden. I walked near the bush & guess Sehun figured out that I've found him there. He slowly stood up 

'What are you doing here ? What do you want ?' Though i didn't speak out loud, my eyes would've spoken more

'I am sorry ! I'm extremely sorry' He too didn't speak out. But his eyes were filled with apology messages 

'Do you think i am an easy girl ! If yes then Sorry ! I'm really stubborn to the extent that is beyond your imagination' i thought & smirked 

"What are you doing here ?" i heard my Eonni's voice & i turned around. She saw Sehun standing infront of me 

"Sehun you are also here !!" she said 

I rolled my eyes since i know what is going to happen now ! 

Eonni sat in between me & Sehun. I could say Sehun is still a bit uncomfortable since he just met her today. And so he tried to maintain that 'Good guy' look. But my eonni, she is such a contrast to me & gets along so soon even with someone whom she met just now. They started talking, first topic is my family then Sehun spoke about his. I was totally not interested in the topic since i knew about the both 

My eyes started drooping. I usually tend to sleep more if i cry alot. Thanks to Sehun & Jiyeon i'm feeling damn sleepy right now 

"So how did you both meet ?" Eonni changed the topic & guess Sehun narrated the entire stuff. I was half sleeping & half awake. Thus i just partially heard here & there 

"Yaa .. !!! Show me your phone" Eonni shaked me & i opened my eyes. I slipped my phone in her hands shooting deathly glare at her. Doesn't she care for her dongsaeng ??  Why don't she understand my condition even after seeing my poor eyes ! 

She kept both our phones in her hands & was awe struck "Woooaaahhh !! Both look exactly the same. If not the cover then it would be impossible to identify whose is whose !!" she exclaimed 

Yeah ! I too put a new cover to my phone. A flashy blue cover which is completely my style. But then just now i noted that Sehun changed his cover too, its light pink ! Why would he choose that out of all the other colors !! I guess this is not the time to ponder over it. My eye bags were getting heavy & my head kept falling on either sides. I still had some conscious & i could just feel whats happening around. But yet i am sleeping soundly 

I heard the phone ringing & someone left the bench. I didn't even bother to open my eyes & continued drooping over. Suddenly my head fell on a shoulder beside.

 Thanks to my Eonni !!! Seriously I've never felt so much grateful to her than today. I kept thanking her so many times but yet i still don't want to stop. It really felt comfortable to lie on her shoulders. Its far better than just drooping over with heads falling on either sides 

But wait a second ! 

When did she become so well build ? She is not fluffy how she used to be ! Guess she has been working really hard there. I pity her .. 

I usually have the habit of holding the hands whenever i lie on the shoulders. Be it my eonni, mom or Jiyeon. Its just these three persons on whose shoulders i lie on. And so I intertwined my fingers with hers. 

Strange !! Why doesn't it feel the same ? 

Before i could come to a conclusion i went into deep slumber


That night i had a dream ..

A sweet dream ! In which I was in some sort of garden but it looked so magical. Fantasy always happens only in dreams ! I was waiting for someone i think so 

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