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I called my mom & asked to pick me up from Jiyeon's home. Then i went to continue with the fun that me & Jiyeon were having 

Time just flies away within a few blinks especially when we are having some good times like this. And before we could realize it's already night and my mom came over just as she promised 

I waved to Jiyeon & got into the car. The moment i part with her just like some bad spirits possessed me i got some bad vibes. Seriously all these time when i was with Jiyeon i didn't even think of Sehun but now my brain is entirely filled with his thoughts  

I sigh & enter inside my room. Its really difficult to keep these thoughts inside me, it just added on to my burden. I badly wanted to share these to someone but i was helpless 

I had no other go, i took my diary and scribed out all my thoughts

I went to bed & very soon drifted of to sleep 


A very cold wind started filling in my room. I open my eyes & sit upright in the bed wondering what is happening. I turned around & found that my room window is wide open causing the cold winds enter in 

"Strange. Why is the window open ?" 

"I usually close it before going to bed if not me my mom would have done it" 

With confusions wrecking my brains i got down from the bed & took my steps to the window 

The curtains were flying causing a creepy feeling inside me 

Before i could go near

Suddenly Sehun jumped inside my room through the window

My heart just stopped for that second. I wide open my eyes in ultimate shock 

And Sehun...

He didn't seem normal. There's a huge difference

His eyes were blood red & he looked ferocious. Above all he had a sort of hungry expression in his face 

"S..Sehun ..!!" the words struggled way out of my mouth 

He said nothing but smirked & i could see his teeth

Not teeth, but the sharp fangs 

My body started shedding sweats unstoppably. My feet automatically took me backward 

But then Sehun also started to walk towards me 

"Sehun.. Don't come near me.."i said in my shaky voice

He continues walking near me 

"Sehun .. Jebal .. Leave me .." i almost started crying 

Sehun said nothing but just had an evil face 

"Let me live .. Jebal .." I said my final words & my back hit the wall 

Now i had nowhere to go. I stood still clenching my fist tight 

Sehun came inches close to me & i closed my eyes tight 

The last thing i could remember is his sharp fangs touched my neck & blood started whooshing out 

A sudden black out 


I open my eyes & find myself in the bed 

I look around, Sehun is not there 

I got down from the bed and checked the window, Its closed ! Phewww 

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