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"Hyung today is your wedding, how excited are you?" Sehun asked to Chen Hyung who sat in-between us

"Pretty much nervous " he said fiddling with his fingers

"Hey, this is unlike you .." I nudged his arm but still he seemed a little serious

"What is bothering you Hyung?" Sehun cocked his eyebrows

"Well to be honest, marriage is not an easy deal. There are lots of complications involved in it as far as I've seen or heard. Now our relationship will move on to a next level...argghhhh" he couldn't contain his feelings any more. I stopped him from ruffling his hair & thus saved his hairstyle 

"Just stop with all this, you are spoiling your hairstyle" I tried to calm him down

"Listen hyung I'm not experienced enough to advice you but still a few words from my side if you would like to .." he nodded which I took as a cue to continue

"Life can't remain a stand still forever; changes are the vitals which keeps you going, though you don't really realize it. If you recall a few years back, you & noona would've been friends then later you'd became a little closer after sometime you would've gotten into a relationship. Everything is nothing but a chapter of your life which holds sweet memories" I said as if I've majored in this area

"Yeah he is right. Change is nothing but a progress. Give a thought on it Hyung, if your relationship did not progress to the next level then you'd have been friends till date" Sehun added & Hyung looked shocked

"Today, your relationship is upgrading to the next level which is a little superior but this is not everything. You still have a lot more to see. So just chill out & accept the things the way it is" Sehun said with a smile

"You both speak like an expert. Thank you for all the good words, but when are you planning to progress with your relationship?" he asked

"Gosh I thought you were the one in trap but seems like this whole thing is a trap for us" I said realizing

"Bingo!" Hyung winked

"Hyyyyyuunnggg" Sehun cried like a kiddo

"I thought you guys were normal high school kids but seems like you guys know pretty lot. So what are you waiting for ?" he said being back to his normal form

"It's just that I'm waiting for a perfect situation" I mumbled

"If you don't find any situation then create it & moreover there's nothing called as perfect situation unless you plan it out and make it perfect !" he tried to cheer us but that didn't work out

"I think you guys are just scared to approach" he commented to which we objected immediately

"NO !" me & Sehun said in unision

"If not why delay?" he asked & I thought for a while

"Hyung I'm going to confess my feelings to Eunha" Sehun said with a new tint of confidence in his tone

"Good, when?" he asked

"Today" he stated firmly which I didn't see it coming

"What about you Baek?" Hyung turned towards me and I gulped

"The same goes with me" I said pretty nervously

"That's my boys !!" hyung said proudly & the rest of the ride turned out to be fun filled. And Hyung's spirits were elevating as each and every moment passed by and we were pretty much influenced by him as his hyperactive vibes were contagious. By the time we reached the wedding hall

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