Its Cute, Not Weird

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A/N:: Trying new things... also, inspired by a chipped version of Mitch from FinalScripts . Thanks my love :]

Nooch was a robot.

Choco created him.

It wasn't intentional at first, not really. But when it actually processed in his mind that he made a badass humanoid, he claimed it was.

Choco's robot was actually more skin and bones than metal. Technology was a beautiful thing, and Choco knew how to get his hands on exactly what he needed. The only parts of Nooch that weren't next to real were a couple of his organs, his brain, his heart, and his eyes. His brain was a chip that gave the rest of his body everything a human had, nerves and emotions, feelings, pain... and other such things. His heart was a generator, the gears that kept his body up and running. His eyes, though, thats what completed him, according to Choco. One was a deep brown, the color of hot chocolate. The other was a piercing blue. It was magical.

Noochbot didn't have a purpose. Choco decided he wanted to run tests, but not on the robot himself.

Nooch was the beginning of a four year social experiment: high school.

. . .

Nooch made it three years without anyone realizing, hey, he's a fuckin' robot. No one saw him as anything other than a bad boy with a sly smirk, the captain and leading scorer for the basketball team, and the one and only popular person associated himself with people like Choco. His name to all of them, was Mat.

Choco was the exact opposite of Mat. He was kind of a goody goody, didn't really do sports, and only had a few friends.

Mat was one of them, no matter what anyone else thought. There were people who judged Mat, and there were people who still hated Choco and his friends, like Petey (aka Brandon) and Kenny and Preston.

Choco and Mat we're basically brothers, having each other's back through thick and thin.

But, our story doesn't focus on the brotherhood of Choco and Mat.

It's more of a romance story, as most these days are (those are Choco's favorites, so they're the best).

[Who let Vincent write this story anyway?]

Anyway, while Mat is extremely important to this story, considering he's half of this romance, we're going to focus on someone else for a little bit.

His name is Brandon.

Or Petey.

Or both, as previously mentioned.

Okay, focus.

Petey was one of few who quickly became close with Mat. Close enough to know his secret.

Despite knowing the truth, Brandon fell in love with Nooch. Everything about the humanoid had Petey in a trance.

No, it wasn't weird.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much Petey could do, except wait and hope.

So, he did.

. . .

Choco, Petey, Kenny, and Preston were some of the last people in the school.

Every day, they waited the main lobby of the school for Mat to finish basketball practice, so they could all walk home together. It's been a tradition for the group, basically since sophomore year.

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