Kenoco: WILD (Blue Neighborhood Part 1/3)

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A/N: Troye Troye Troye Troye Troye Troye Troye Troye!

Also guys it won't let me add the video ;-; sorry <3 ~R


That boy was everything to me. I spent my mornings, afternoons, and nights with hm. He was my best friend. And even now, After all that's happened? I still loved him more than anything.

Trying hard not to fall on the way home

Seven years old.

You were trying to wear me down

The two of us on the edge of the shore, claiming the trees down there as our own. We swung around, laughing, smiling, talking. That was the first day I noticed how much I really loved his smile.

Kissing up on fences and up on walls

When the two of us finally got tired, we found our bikes up by the road and drove home, still giggling and playing pretend.

On the way home

We skidded to a stop in my driveway, and he walked with me to put my bike in the shed in my backyard. As soon as it was away, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back out to the front yard, laughing and stumbling. I couldn't help but join in.

I guess it's all working out now

He let me go again when we stood by the side door to my seaside house. He hugged me goodbye –which I gladly returned– and then picked up his bike and started to his house a little further down the road.

Cause there's still too long to the weekend, too long till I drown in your hands

I raced inside, walking upstairs and throwing open the doors to the balcony. There was a perfect view of the sunset, or the shoreline, but I wasn't looking at the scenery. I was watching Kenny.

Leave this blue neighborhood, never knew loving could hurt this good, oh and it drives me wild

Kenny stopped at the corner of the street and turned around to look at me with a smile. I returned it, waving to him. He laughed and nodded back, running his hand through the golden blonde hair on his head before turning back around and riding off.

Cause when you look like that,
I never ever wanted to be so bad oh, it drives me wild

I leaned against the railing and stared at the point where he disappeared around the corner. Another good day with my best friend.

You're driving me wild

Nine years old.

White noise in my mind

The two of us explored his father's workshop, where he repaired old boats and ships. We ran around and hid and laughed, as children should.

Won't calm down

My heart never slowed, and my smile never fell.

You're all I think about

We were playing tag when he cornered me. He backed me up and put his hands on either side of my head with a grin, leaning slightly into me so that I couldn't escape. "Kenny, please..." I mocked fear, and he laughed. "Spare me, please! I'll do anything you want!" I begged. He made a face like he was considering it, then shook his head as the evil smirk spread across his lips again.

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