Beach Prompts !!

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I found a bunch of beach prompts (from otpquestions_ on Instagram) so guess what y'all are getting ship moments at the beach aha. All the ships have been chosen by myself or FinalScripts or Just_Deadlox so yeah hold on tight ~R

First prompt: "Get the hell out of my space you stubborn prick"
Ship: Bajanlox (oh. em. gee. My feels.)


I finally hauled all my things down to the beach, and in the perfect spot. My chair and my bag and my umbrella were all propped up against the rocks at the break wall, taking in the sun. I wasted no time to set my chair and my umbrella up, in the perfect direction towards the sun and water.

This is paradise.

I settle myself down in my chair and reach into my bag, feeling around for my book, but it's not there. I realize I must've left it in the car.

Heaving a sigh, I push myself up again and jog back to my car.

I go up and unlock my passenger door, and sure enough, sitting on the seat is my copy of the Hunger Games.

Smiling to myself, I pick up the book, re-lock my car and head back down to my spot.

But by the time I get there, it looks like someone else has claimed it.

A small, pale boy with long hair was now set up instead, with all my things pushed to the side. He was laying contently on a blanket, feet kicking as he read through the book Divergent.

"Yo!" I marched right up to him. He looked up at me, confused.

"Who're you?"

"I'm the guy you kicked out, this was my spot. You moved all my shit out of the way."

"Mm, no I didn't. This was open." He said with a smirk on his lips, glancing back to his book.

"Um, no, it wasn't, I had everything set up nicely, and now it's over there. You need to move and give me my space back."

"Uh... No." The kid still had that taunting smirk on his face, not even bothering to look up at me.

"Dude, you're actually annoying me now. Move." I snap.

"Dude, no." The kid said back, and I huffed.

"Move, or I'll move you myself." I threaten, and he shrugs at me.

"Whatever. Try as you will." He waves me off, making me groan again.

"Look. How about we share it? You seem absolutely lovely." He rolls to his side to look up at me, laying along his towel like a model.

"Fine." I mumble, eyes rolling as I go to get my things and move them back to their original spot. The guy moved his things to the side just a bit, so I had room to be in the radius.

I put my umbrella at an opposite angel to his so we both had more shade, and pulled out a towel so I could lay beside him.

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