Dear Heavenly Father
We come to you today with a thankful heart knowing that you are
our God of strength, hope and inspiration. Your love knows bounds
and it continues forever. You are on a mighty mission to seek those who are lost.
Your great love enables us the opportunity to be in a position to accept you -
and to be guaranteed a wonderful, bright and glorious future. You are preparing a
mansion in heaven - and ooh what a wonderful mansion it will be - for anyone
who says yes to your amazing offer of accepting you into their lives.
Please Lord, use us as vessels - to share the good news - to help others to know
that there are people out there who care....who really care. Help them to see you
in us by our actions. With you in our lives and your great love in our hearts - we have
a burning desire, willingness and want to reach out to those who are less fortunate
than ourselves.
Help us to love , inspire and pray for each other and especially for those around
us who are travelling through very difficult times. Let us be a light that shines
hope and that directs people going through hard times to their one great source
of hope - and that source of hope Lord is you.
Lord help us to see the positives in people - no human being knows what struggles,
trial, anxieties, stresses and hardships that others are going through...We might think we
know - but we don't - We don't have the power to judge another person's heart - only
you have the ability to see someone's heart Lord. Alot of people are out there covering
their pain - putting on a public mask - pretending to be ok - when they are really not ok.
We pray Lord for you to help us to be unselfish with our time - and spend time
really listening to others - and open our ears so that we can hear their cries for help.
When we do hear their cries for help Lord - may we respond in an appropriate way - It
may be eg, someone is lonely and they would long for a visit from someone on a fortnighly
basis - we might be able to arrange that through our may be that some mum is
trying so desperately to put food on the table - and she is struggling - then Lord help us to be
organised and motivated to help out by delivering a food parcel. Help us Lord to keep our
eyes and ears open - taking every opportunity to help out whenever we can - where ever we
are - with whatever we have got - because we know Lord that every person is valuable to
you - so valuable in fact that you laid down your own life so that they could live forver.
What an awesome, powerful, wonderful, caring God you are. Help us Lord to see people
through your eyes - loving the alcoholic, the drug addicts, the homeless, the rich and the poor.
Help us all to put our trust in you - and please hold us by your righteous right hand. Help us
Lord never to put our faith in riches - because riches won't save us, but instead help us Lord to
put our trust in the only one who is trusworthy - and that is you - You have already proven Lord
how reliable, caring, wonderful, trustworthy and forgiving you really are. Amen.