Accept Jesus now

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  • Dedicated to Garry Harrowfield

Friend - You have to accept Jesus as your personal saviour to get to heaven. Accept him now :-)

Do you want a better life in this world - and also be assured of a place in heaven where you will have no more pain, no more sorrow, no more tears - I know I do.

Accept Jesus now - Don't wait - Be happy, positive and joyful right now - knowing your future is in the hands

of a wonderful, loving, caring forgiving Lord - who only wants the best for you :-)

Let us look at Jesus own words - What does Jesus say in - John chapter 14 - Verses 1 -6

 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.  And where I go you know, and the way you know.” Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” JESUS SAID TO HIM, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME.

Friend - we know that Jesus is the way - won't you love him, follow him and trust him for you know

he loves you, cares for you - he is preparing a mansion for you - and he already proved of what lengths he would go to - so that you could live forver - He loves you so much that he stretched out

his arms and died for you. He didn't have to die for you or me - but because of his great love for us - he chose to - what great love is this - Jesus giving his life for you and me - Friend don't be scared,

don't be frightened, don't draw back - instead reach out and take hold of Jesus hand - knowing of his great love for you.

You'll be glad you did. You will have peace, joy, calmness and the blessed assurance of eternal life.

What really matters in this life - is what did you do with Jesus? I have accepted Jesus as my personal saviour and friend - won't you accept him as yours :-)

Lets pray.

Dear Lord 

We come to you today with thankful hearts for all that you have done for us. We know of your great love for us. We know that you care deeply and lovingly for us. Your character is one of love, kindness and forgiveness. We know that in our journey of life - we will face trials/challenges but we also know that we don't have to go through these things alone. You said you will walk with us - no matter what we are going through. You said to trust - and not to worry.

Some of us have health problems, some of us have financial problems, some of us have loneliness

problems, some of us have stress problems, some of us have problems that are beyond our conrol, etc - but none of us have problems that you can't help with. No mountain is too high for you - no valley is

too low for you - Mathew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.


Help us Lord to do what we can to alleviate any problems in our life in a positive way - but then help us not to continually focus on our problems Lord - but instead to focus on your love for focus on your word - to focus on your wonderful power - and to trust you - inspire us to help others - for when we help others - we are serving you Lord and doing what you want. It also helps us personally when we help others for there is no greater joy than helping another person - whether it be emotionally, financially, through showing encouragement - by  being there for them - to listen to their problems - sometimes to laugh with them - sometimes to cry with them - sometimes to just say - I am here. We all need each other Lord - to love, encourage, support and pray for each other. Help us to be kinder, caring, more loving and forgiving to our loved ones and to each other. Help us to see the big picture - and realise what  is really important in life - maybe we could do a shift less at work - so we can spend more quality time with the family - maybe we could live more simply - eat healthier foods, feed our bodies with great nutrition and avoid harmful things like smoking and alcohol - Maybe we could turn the television switch off - so we can spend that valuable time with our loved ones. Impress upon us Lord to relax, meditate, listen/read your word, listen to good christian music - look for the good in people - take the opportunity to sew words of hope to those around us who are down and out and struggling. I know I have problems Lord - but I am not worrying about them - instead I am trusting in your love, your kindness, your care and support - for Romans 8:28 says:  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Lord help us to treasure the day - for when this day has passed - it can never be retrieved. We don't want to look back and be regretful - thinking down the track - that I wished I had of spent more quality time with my loved ones - I wish I had of been more kinder - I wish I had of fed my body more healthy things, I wish I hadn't of spent so many hours wasted in front of the T.V. Let us instead live positively,happily, joyfully trusting you - walking each step holding your hand, resting in your love and valuing the important things in life from an eternal perspective - cause as  we look back - from  when we get to heaven - let us have smiles on our faces and joy in our hearts - knowing that we took the time to love, care, help, forgive and encourage each other and others - and hopefully we will be spending eternity with these folks - cause if they choose to accept you as their saviour and follow you - their wonderful, glorious, beautul, fantastic future will be assured - and we all get to live a happy eternal life together with you as being as loving caring wonderful Lord - our great leader and friend -What a great future - Thank you Lord - for making this possible. Amen.

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