Friend - if you have strayed from the Lord - and you're scared - You've
tried going it alone and it's not getting any better. You've gone out
into the world and had fun, laughter, lots of parties, lots of alcohol -
had alot of nights in front of the pokies machines - sometimes winning,
sometimes losing - You might be just so independant - that you thought
you could do it all on your own - you thought you could run the ship
better than the Lord -
If you're still trying to run the ship on your own - and you find your boat is
sinking. I am here to tell you that the Lord is standing by with
outstretched arms - waiting for you to come back to him..waiting to welcome
you home.
If you think that you couldn't possibly attend the church that you used to
go to - because people will be talking about you - and judging you - don't.
Mathew 7: 1 & 2 says:
Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged:
and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. No-one in the church
has a right to be judging you - their job is to encourage, inspire, uplift and pray for you.
Mathew 11:28 & 29 says:
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart:
and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Friend - won't you accept Jesus into your life right now? - You'll be glad you did.
Your eternal, positive, happy future will be assured if you do. Your eternal retirement
will be sheer bliss.
Let's Pray
Dear Kind and Loving Lord
I come to you this morning and pray for those who are lost and for those who have
left the church for whatever reason. I pray Lord that you will watch over them and protect them,
encircle them in your arms of love. Guide them step by step in which way to go. Help them to know
that whatever has happened in the past doesn't matter. Help them to know that they can do a u turn
right here right now and accept you back into their lives. I know what it is like Lord to be lost - I was
lost for so long and my heart yearned for you - but I kept trying - but somehow - I kept missing
something. I would pray constantly for you to help and then I would take over - and be so
independant. It is only when I had the courage to pick up the phone and call the new Pastor of the
Church that I used to go to - to just talk to him - without any pressure - to see - that maybe he and the
church do have something to offer me - because I was tired of trying to do everything on my own...I
was tired of flying solo. That conversation with the Pastor was the turning point for me - it helped turn
my life around. He didn't pressure me - cause if he did, that wouldn't have worked. He just
encouraged and uplfted me. I want to encourage and uplift others Lord because I want to give them
hope - because you are our hope, You are a God who really saves. You are an awesome, powerful,
mighty loving God who is standing by with outstretched arms - waiting, longing, pleading with
people - working on them by the power of your holy spirit - drawing them to you - because of your great love - inspiring them that there is a better way. Keep inspiring them in their hearts Lord to know that there are people out there who really care- and we are also standing by - praying for them - and waiting and longing for them to come on home.
Thank you Lord for being so patient with me and for holding me in your righteous right hand - even when I couldn't see it at the time - even when I was angry at you - and I was blaming you for my circumstances - Thank you for the patience you have shown to me and others - and please Lord encourage anyone that is reading this prayer to come on home. There will be some people reading this prayer - that don't know anything about you Lord - that is ok - that is why we are here - to help them to learn of the Love of a Wonderful loving God. Help them Lord to please pick up the phone and contact someone for encouragement - because we all need human support and encouragement. Help them to realise that they can ring any one of their Local churches - and there will be someone there just waiting for the call - someone there who is friendly, kind and suportive - someone who is ready and willing to give them help - I know my church personally offers so much help in so many different ways. It might be a visit. It might be a food parcel. It might be just lending an ear to help someone along in their journey of life.
Thank you Lord for being the wonderful, caring, loving, supportive, forgiving God that you are - and thank you God for welcoming me and who ever wishes to come - home. Amen.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.