Friend - do you worry about your future, the past and or the present? - You know you don't have to.
God will be with you no matter what you go through. If he loves you so much - that he sent his only begotten son to die for you - Jesus died on a cross - so that you could live forever - then don't you think God wants only the best for you. Yes he does.
Let's pray.
Dear Kind and Loving Father
We come to you today with thankful hearts for the many blessings you give to us on a daily basis. We are thankful for our families, our friends, our support networks, our dreams, our hopes, our desires
to help others. You give a so much to be thankful for each and every day. Help us to focus
on the joyous, happy, positive moments throughout the day - and pay less attention to our
worries and stresses. We hand our worries and stresses to you Lord - we are going to trust
in you - the one who loves us - just as we are. We come to you and ask you to change our
homes by changing us. Fill us with your love, care, compassion and understanding for our fellow
humans - as we want to share with others the great hope - of your love and forgiveness to others.
Help us never to offer words of discouragment or negativity to others - but instead fill us with the
holy spirit - and give us words of encouragement, hope and positivity to share with the lonely, lost,
down and out - and the needy.
We know Lord that money isn't the solution to problems - it can't buy happiness, it can't buy health and it also can't buy eternal life - but we are so thankful Lord - that you said - Don't worry about
anything - but instead trust you. We have come here today - right here - right now - to turn our hearts and wills over to you and to trust you - the only one who can be trusted with our personal treasures.
You and your great love will walk with us and you would never leave us - We will never
have to walk alone. There is no challenge, no crisis, no tradegy that we can't get through - no mountain we can't climb, no valley that is too low, no lonely times that we can't go through - in your strength.
Lord I pray for the people/persons reading this prayer. I pray for them to come to
know you - to know what a wonderful, loving, caring, forgiving God that you are.
To know about you Lord is one thing - but to really come close to you - I believe that we have to make the time to read/listen to the bible. You are our best friend Lord and we do want to spend time with
our earthy best friends - how more important is it for us humans to make the time to spend with you - the best friend ever. If we read the bible our faith will increase - so help us to make a daily reading of the bible a top priority - for then we will be stronger in our faith.
Lord please answer the deepest cries of the lonely, the needy, the desperate, the poor, the rich,
and the down and out. Help these people to know you on a personal level - deep in their heart - where it really matters. Help them to know that you are standing by - just waiting for them to say yes - yes to you - yes they do accept you...because if they accept you into their lives then they can have happiness and great peace amidst whatever challenge of life they face.
We all go through good times and bad times - we all have ups and downs - we all experience sometimes where life is tough - tough beyond belief - but you are there, comforting us, supporting us, loving us and guiding us - holding our hands and comforting us when we fall. It doesn't matter how many times we fall Lord - as long as we keep getting back up....and keep looking to you and keep asking for you to stay with us and walk with us. I believe we fail our way to success. Success means one thing to one person and another thing to someone else. Success to me is living each day with you in my heart - and taking every opportunity to tell others of your great love - not because I have to - but because of my great love for you - I want to.
Look after each one of us Lord as we entrust our lives to you - The only one who
has proven to be trustworthy with the most precious things in life. Draw close to
our loved ones - and may they draw close to you - may they come to have a closer
walk with you.
Please use us as your vessels - helping us to reach out and help those around
us - help us to be a shining light to others - because we care deeply - We have a great love for others - that love comes from you Lord - that great love gives us the desire to want reach out and
help - in whatever way we can - in the most positive, inspiring, uplifting way possible.
Walk with us Lord as we do our best walking through this day - knowing in our hearts - that our future is safe with you - Help us to spread good news, happiness, joy and help to those around us. Amen.
Friend - you can have peace and joy amidst the trials that you face on this earth - knowing that your
eternal future is assured. All you have to do is accept Jesus into your life. Won't you do it now friend?.
It will be the best investment you have ever made. It will be an eternal investment - an investment that
doesn't involve money - but instead it involves the greatest currency that there ever will be - and that is the currency of love.
God Bless:-)
My favourite current two christian songs that uplift me are Our God by Chris Tomlin and I lift my Hands by Chris Tomlin. What are your favourite songs friend? Do they inspire uplift and encourage you - if so great - if not - why not surf utube for eg, and find some good christian music that uplifts you.
Romans 12:12
Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation, continuing instant in prayer.