Trust - Don't Worry

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  • Dedicated to Mike Collum

Friend - Won't you trust your heavenly father today - for he wants the best for you.

He cares about your happiness, your sorrows, your challenges, your mountains that you

have to climb - and he will love you always and forever. He loves when you spend time in prayer

with him - and when you read the bible - as faith comes by hearing and hearing from the word of God.

Why not give yourself a greast boost also - and listen to some great christian music. We are all each

different individuals with different likes and dislikes - so listen to whatever christian music you like.

I personally like Chris Tomlin - Our God is Greater, I lift my hands and Stand amazed. I also love

listening to Kellie Underwood - Temporary Home.

Gods character is - of love. Won't you let Gods great love shine into your heart today? He can help you carry whatever load/stresses/anxieties/troubles you are presently going through. God loves

you sooo much.

Lets's pray

Dear Heavenly Father 

We come to you today and say thank you for all the many blessings you

shower upon us on a daily basis. We are thankful for our families, our friends,

ours homes, our social networks, our friends who can laugh with us, pray with us, love us,

accept us unconditionally, and encourage us along the way. Friends who can help each other

by being there for each other. Lord - I believe that friends are more important than money or Gold. Friends give help, encouragement, love, kindness, compassion, laughter and fun. We also have the privilege of spending an eternity with our friends. You can't say that about money. We won't need

money in heaven - because the currency of money will be exchanged for the currency of love.

Money has no feelings, no compassion, no love, no encouragement and no kindness. It is not a sin to have money - don't get me wrong - but I believe that friends are so much higher on the list on importance in our journey of life. I have great friends Lord - and I am so thankful to you for that - I don't have alot of close friends - but the ones that I do are the most fantastic, wonderful, caring praying people that I know.

Lord I pray for the person/persons reading this prayer to experience great encouraging, kind, helpful

comapssionate, warm friendly friends like I have - because then they will have so much richness in their lives - and the beauty of these great friendships are - that they can get to spend a happy

peaceful, wonderful, eternal happiness with both them and you.

Lord - you said - Don't worry about anything - but instead trust you... love you - walk with you...Ask you to help us with our problems/tragedies/challenges/mountains so that we can face them in your strength.

We thank you always for wonderful friendships - of people who can help pick us up - when we are down and out - and when we are finding it hard to stay positive because of at times - huge tragedies/challenges that we face.... They can direct us to look towards our heavenly father - the one who loves us just as we are. They can talk us through our tears at times - and tell us to keep moving, keep believing. keep hoping in our heavenly fathers ability to produce good things out of bad situations....Then we can return the favour Lord - and give them back all of the encouragement

that we can - when they are facing their most awful challenging tragedies.

Help us Lord to rest in your love - have happiness because of the peace that you have given to us.

We all experience ups and downs - we all at different times in our lives face challenges, huge mountains to climb, experience extremely lonely times - but as we go through these times - we do it in your strength.

With you Lord - all things are possible - help us to increase our bible knowledge by spending more time reading or listening to the bible. I know I have spent alot of time recently listening to the bible -

and it helps my faith so much - as faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God.

Lord I look forward to meeting the person/persons reading my prayers when I get to heaven. it will

be happiness and fun times there - and as we look back from eternity - all of these problems/trials/

challenges/huge mountains to climb will feel so insignificant - compared to what we will be experiencing in our heavenly home - the experience of happiness, joy, laughter fun and excitement'

Lord help us to look around - and reach out - and help the walking wounded, the down and out, the poor, the rich, the helpless - because we want to help them - because your love in our hearts moves us to action - also as we reach out to others - we also help ourselves - because we want to focus on

sharing your love, care, kindness, concern and forgiveness with others - because all that really matters

in our journey on this earth - is What did we do with Jesus. I have accepted Jesus into my life - and I ask Lord for you to impress upon whoever is reading this prayer - to accept Jesus into their life also -

because if we accept Jesus into our life - then we have the assurance of a wonderful, beautiful, glorious fantastic future - where there will be no more tears, no more sorrow, no more pain.

Thank you Lord for being the best friend ever. Thank you for loving us no matter what - for giving us the opportunity to accept Jesus into our life right here right now....and then give us your strength to

keep walking in your strength and your love. Help others to see you through us - as we might be the only bible they read.

Guide us and lead us onward Lord - moment by moment, step by step, hour by hour, day by day.

Help us to have joy and hope in our hearts, smiles on our faces, arms to move to help others -

knowledge about Jesus - so we may share that knowledge with others - and as we go about our daily

lives - let us appreciate the simple things in life - things like peace in our hearts knowing that we are

saved, the ability to pray for those who need you - watching a sunrise/sunset, walking out in nature,

eating nourishing good food, listening to great christian music and spreading good news about you wherever we go. Amen

Mathew 19:26

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.



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