10 ✗ Birthday Girl.

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Birthday Girl

The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what I hope to give you forever.
~ The Notebook

You played with the necklace that hung comfortably around your neck; your name shining in the light as the lamp reflected on the gold. Your cheeks began to ache as your smile only got larger.

Justin had spoilt you rotten this year, just like any other year, but he made sure that your twenty-first would be one to never forget. Every year you wondered how he could top the last, but somehow he managed to.

And next year?

You were caught off guard as warm and colourful arms that felt so familiar wrapped securely around your waist; they were the arms that you had never felt more safe in. A dazzling smile appeared on his face as your eyes connected through the narrow mirror and you chuckled, gripping onto his arms. He rested his head on your shoulder never removing his eyes from yours.

"I see you've taken a liking to your necklace," he commented, pride prancing around the little space surrounding our heads. It was so clear that he was proud of myself for making you so happy - especially on a day like this.

"It's beautiful. But what makes it even more beautiful is that my boyfriend got it personally designed for me," you teased but it only made him smile wider, that of course you didn't mind, in fact you loved the happiness that radiated off of him and it wasn't even his special day, but you would happily share it with him. "I'm an incredibly lucky girl to have him," you whispered, the teasing dialling down as the last sentence was nothing but the truth.

Justin caught on to the sudden mood change and you spun around in his arms, his hands catching your hips and your arms wrapped themselves around his neck tightly like prying snakes. He smirked, his top teeth latching onto his bottom lip and you squirmed in his arms as he tightened his grip on you.

"Happy birthday, baby," he whispered against your lips as you leaned into each other, looking into one another's souls.

Your stomach was erupting with joy - without that sounding cringeworthy - and you discarded the space between you two, lapping your lips upon his warm ones. It was a quick but heart warming peck, before you pulled away and laid your head against his chest. You could hear his heartbeat gently beating inside and you closed your eyes in comfort, completely hypnotised by the drumming of it and his left hand held your head; your head fit perfectly in his palm like an egg.

"I love you so much," you whispered in disbelief.

How was it humanely possible to fall deeply for another being? You couldn't imagine your life without him. He honestly was your soul mate.

Justin held a tight grip on your hands that were around his neck and he interlaced your fingers, holding them between you both as you separated. He glanced into your eyes sharply making you intake an intense breath. Just from the powers of his eyes he had your heart beating one hundred times more rapid.

"Let me give you your last present."

He was pristine and was suddenly getting straight to the point. You gulped knowing what he meant - not that you had a problem with doing such a thing with Justin - it was just the fact that Justin was very adventurous when it came to the bedroom and you were anxious of what he had in store for tonight.

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