14 ✗ Daddy's Toy.

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Daddy's Toy

God is love, but Satan does that thing you
like with his tongue.
~ some barstool wisdom

Justin pulled you back into the covers, laughter filling the room and it bounced off the walls. His arms wrapped securely around your waist holding you tightly to his chest. You smiled relaxing and he began layering kisses on your shoulder.

"Just five more minutes," Justin whined into the skin of your neck, before continuing to kiss along your jaw. "She can wait."

"You said you wanted this apartment so bad," you laughed lightly whilst turning around. Your arms circled around his neck and he shot you a smile. You pecked his lips and then snorted as he moaned. "No," you scolded as he tightened his arms around you, persuading you to stay in bed with him. "We need to go. This apartment looks amazing and it's affordable."

Justin huffed before playfully rolling his eyes. But that didn't stop you from lightly punching his shoulder. He made groaning noises whilst pretending to collapse into his pillow and you laughed.

"Come on," you whined hovering over his body. He looked at you, a cheeky grin on his face which made your heart flutter. "I love you, but you're being super clingy this morning."

He frowned lightly before shoving a pillow in your face. Your body fell back into the mattress making you laugh hard. Justin took this as his opportunity to crawl on top of you and put a leg at each side of your hips, completely trapping you.

"You're mine now. I'm going to be as clingy as I want," he retorted with a dominant tone as his fingers ran up and down your stomach. You bit down hard on your bottom lip trying to suppress a moan. The pressure of his body on your sex wasn't helping either. He was starting to turn you on. "I'm going to do anything that I want," he whispered slowly pulling up the oversized shirt of his that you were wearing. "Anything," he moaned into your ear before latching his teeth on your lobe.

You couldn't hide back the moan but you knew that you both had to get up. This was your only chance. It was far from here with an affordable tag that both you and Justin could pay.

"Seriously Justin, you know how important this is," you stated with a serious tone whilst pushing his shoulders. He stopped what he was doing and leaned up, resting on his knees. You smiled sitting up to wrap your arms around his neck. "This is our beginning," you whispered against his lips before sealing it with a kiss.


After a busy day of visiting the apartment, sealing a deal to then shopping for furniture, you found yourselves back in your bed. You were cuddling Justin's torso as his fingers combed your hair.

You nibbled on your bottom lip worrying about the reaction you would get when Justin came clean. He had deceived her, breaking her heart the minute he first laid his eyes on you, she just didn't know it. It was one thing for her boyfriend to betray her like that but you... her daughter.

"What's wrong, my love?" Justin cooed feeling you tense in his arms and lifted your chin with his fingers. You pursed you lips into a straight line whilst giving him a hopeless look. He frowned and caressed your cheek. "Y/N?"

You inhaled hardly and then straddled his lap, "I'm scared of losing you-," you gulped whilst fisting his shirt tightly, "-and my mom. I know I will-."

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