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Okay so i have a few points i wanna talk about in this. Personally i hate A/n chapters so i'll try to make this quick.

I may have mentioned it before but chapter 23 was the last chapter in this book. The only thing i have left to write is an epilogue which is taking me awhile because of several reasons. Since i do intend to make this into a series i want to post the sequel straight after i post the epilogue.

A big reason that is taking so long it cause I'm so uncreative and i have literally zero name ideas at this point i'm legit considering calling it shadow girl #2

So seriously if anyone has any ideas i will love you forever

Also mainly I'm at a lost for how i want to do my epilogue like gah it's like just because i'm nearly finished this book and that's a super cool accomplishment my brain is like lol what are words how do i english, it's so annoying you have no idea.

So basically this is meant to be like an update to explain why it might end up taking three centuries to get a new update and the sequel.

Also i don't know if anyone has any questions about the series you wanted to ask like please do.

Realises that idea probably won't work because i have like 3 readers and everyone has probably given up readingg by this point, so if your still here omg hi.

If anyone has like any ideas that think would be cool for the plotline here onwards please share i'm so lost right now.

and finally im so friendless here on wattpad so if anyone wants to be my friends? No one *cries*


Sнadow Girl ▹ Jace Wayland (editing)Where stories live. Discover now