The Demon King's dragón

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The tree dragon's scales looked like bark and in place of spikes was leaves and brush. She was about 11feet tall while on all fours and 17 feet long.

          ”Do the dwarf next” The teacher ordered pointing to the dwarf. The girl who was stuck with the dwarf took him too the circle when the tree dragon moved.

                  The girl quikly kissed the dwarf and ran out of the circle. The ground started to shake again this Time more violently. Rocks started coming out of nowhere and covered the dwarf. ” A golem dragon.” Said the instructor excitedly.”Another common dragon.”

            The rocks formed a small but tough looking dragon. It had a large ball with spickes on it's tail. It's height was about 6feet on it's fours, and it was about 10 feet long.

         ” Ok the vampire next. I already know she is gonna cost a lot.” I could tell he was unhappy.

           The man did the same as the others. For some reason there was no ground rumbling madness. Instead the sky was instantly filled with moving clouds, and there was this strange squiking nose. Then the clouds started to descend in a whirlwind. I then realized they weren't clouds. They are bats. The whirlwind of bats surrounded the vampire. They created a dome. two minutes later the bats dispersed leaving behind a dark dragon. It had red scares. Probly to make it look dangerous. It had huge fangs and was 7feet tall. And about 13feet long.

          ”Yes!” The teacher was oddly happy about the site of the vampire dragon.”It's a common one alright. Still gonna cost but it is common.”

           All of a sudden my face got a little warm as I realized it was my turn. Silvea grabbed me and pulled me to the circle and I started to freak out.

The dragon princeWhere stories live. Discover now