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I went to the hall and there was a banner that said 'CLUBS' in bright blue. "Are you joining a club?" I asked Lindsey looking for a club to join. "The pc gaming club looks cool" Lindsey said putting her name down on the paper. "I will join the community service club" I said writing my name down the paper.

"Justin, join the community service club with me!" I said giving Justin the pen. "Okay" said Justin. He wrote down his name in blue pen. "Lets get back to class before we get in trouble" I said walking into social studies. She sat us down and I ended up sitting by Easton. "Hi Easton, how are you?" I said opening my social studies binder and getting ready to take notes. "Good, you?" Easton asked. "I'm alright" I replied. "Please go to page 690, we are going to be talking about WWI, so get ready!" the teacher , Mrs.Colin, said. In 30 minutes we went over the whole chapter with a sheet of notes complete. "You will be doing a fill in the blank of this chapter! We will star it and it will be your study guide!" she said sitting at her desk. We had 15 minutes to complete the paper because the class was only 45 minutes, the shortest class we have.

Soon we went to our double period (budget cuts) and had science. It was a less fast pace than the last class. After it was over we went to lunch where we all sat together and ate lunch.

"Erin Squrz Blaylock" Hunter said making me and Justin laugh our butts off. The pudding we where eating had the company name Squrtz. Not the best name for immature kiddos.

Sry to anyone who is reading this. Me and my friends have a weird and immature sense of humor. xD

Plz go read one of my other books 😆😝🙏

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