Chapter Thirty-Two

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It all stared out like a perfect day would.

Lionel and I both slept in until eleven. Typically, I wasn't a fan of doing so for I felt like I was being unproductive, however, on vacation I finally felt free to do what I wanted.

"Good morning, beautiful," Lio said whilst placing a kiss upon my forehead.

Oh, how I dreamed of such a relationship when I was a little girl. Waking up in his arms on a gorgeous island. He was all I needed.

Mario who?

"We should probably get some breakfast. They're going to begin setting up for dinner soon," I said, sitting up. I streched out my hands and let out a yawn, feeling a kick in my belly as I did so.

I smiled to myself as I pulled on my favorite maternity sundress. It was light blue with little miniscule squares that you couldn't see from a distance.

Lio and I waled to the breakfast buffet hand in hand and I couldn't help but wonder why I'd been willing to risk all of this for a silly fling.

For breakfast I had pineapples and yoghurt with granola, along with nutella pancakes and a croissant. Lio laughed as a scarfed it all down and proceeded to ask for seconds.

Afterwards Lio and I strolled along the beach and I couldn't help but tear up as a watched an adorable little boy splash in the water--babies were getting me so emotional.

For lunch, Lio rented a car and took me to the capital of the island for lunch. He snapped pictures as we did so, sending them to family friends and tweeting.

"Oh Marcos," I heard him say as he showed me his phone. Marcos had subtweeted on a picture hed posted of the two of us on a towel.

If Lena wasn't already pregnant I'd be betting on a baby in nine months.

I rolled my eyes but blushed anyway. I couldn't help but think that maybe he was right. If Mario had never happened, I would be absolutely smitten with Lio right now.

The question is..

Why hadn't Lio brought up the question about marriage at all?

And would I say yes?

Of course I'd say yes. Being here alone with him feels lie when we first fell in love. There was nobody else I wanted. Except fpr my little baby boy of course.

Lio and I waled down the streets of the city hand in hand licking ice cream cones and enjoying siply each other's presence.

When we returned to the resort again we went to the beach again--surprise surprise.

It was quite empty today--nobody was anyone near us. Still, it surprised me when I felt Lio's hand slip under my bikini top.

"Lio! Here?"

"It's not my fauly! Look what your pregnancy has done to them!"

I turned a deep red but let Lio continue what he was doing.

"Lena! Lio!"

I pushed Lio away immediately, sending him flying off the lounge chair he was perched upon.

I saw Berta and thankfully, the kind expression her face indicated she had not noticed what had been going on.

"How are you?" I asked while Lio groaned from beside me.

"I'm well. My poor husband's in bed with heatstruck unfortunately. The struggle of being pale as a ghost!" she exclaimed causing me to chuckle.

I feel, I feel.

"Well you're welcome to spend the day with us," I said with a smile which caused one to grow on her face as well.

"That's so sweet of you, but I wouldn't want to inturrupt your honeymoon time!" she said.

My mouth opened wide in confusion and I heared Lio shuffle akwardly next to me.

"Actually, we're not married..."

Berta's face turned red and I almost felt guilty fot telling the truth.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to embarrass you, I just thought.."

I nodded. Yep, I'm unwed and knocked up. And hey-- it's not even my boyfriend's!

Instead, I gave her another smile and assured her it was okay--and that she should stay with us.

We spent a few hours together on the beach until five when a soccer sand tournament began and we went to watch Lio--who of course wanted to play.

"He's quite the catch," Berta said from next to me.

"He sure is," I watched Lio fist bump a little boy who'd scored on his team.

He was taing it easy, but still couldn't help not showing off his skill even if he tried.

I watched as he moved the ball skillyfull with seift movements--until it got caught up in the sand and he tripped over it.

Berta and I both laughed--her discreetly and me full blown seal laughter, while he wagged his finger at me from where he lay.

Suddenly, I felt moisure build in my biini bottoms, and my face turned completely white.

"Oh my God.'

"What's wrong?" Berta looed at me with honest concern.

"I just wet myself.." I was a absolutely embarrassed.

Berta's eyes widened as she looked at my bikini bottoms.

"Lena, darling.."


"I don't think that's urine. I think your water just broke."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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