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The world tilted as the sound of glass shattering rang out before darkness flooded in.

Izuku's vision wavered as he fought to keep his eyes open. But a severe ache pounding at the back of his skull made him want to welcome sleep as it beckoned him.

In his haze, he could see the glowing embers from the lantern that hung from the roof of the carriage slowly drifting down onto the body crushing his. A small snapshot of his mother diving for him as the carriage flipped flashed through his mind.

He lifted his arm that wasn't entirely taken over by excruciating pain and shook his mother with as much force as he could muster. She moaned in response, struggling to open her eyes.

"Mom," Izuku's voice was hoarse and scratchy as he struggled to speak. "What happened?"

Inko eventually pushed herself off her son enough to let him crawl out from underneath her. When the glass shattered a fragment cut the flesh below her eyebrow that caused a warm curtain of blood to flow down her face. Izuku fought the urge the gag at the sight of his mother so beaten up.

"Izuku, honey, I want you to start running," Inko swallowed hard knowing she'd have to lie to her son. "I'll meet you at Musutafu, okay?"

Izuku nodded despite the sinking feeling in his stomach. He stood up wobbly on tingling legs and tried jumping to push the carriage door above him open, but his efforts were futile. His frail arms couldn't force it open due to an extra weight, he wasn't sure what it was.

Then the door flew open to reveal a girl about his age crouching there staring down at him with practically glowing yellow eyes.

"Found him." The girl reaches down and pulls Izuku from the wreckage with surprising strength before handing him over to a boy slightly older than him with striking blue eyes. "Go. I'm gonna have some fun with mommy dearest."

Tears start to pool in Izuku's eyes as the boy starts to drag him away. He tried digging his heels in the dirt, but that only created two parallel lines. Then he started struggling against his captor, screaming and thrashing his body around. But his grip was like iron welded to his skin.

"Let me go!"

The final draw was drawn when the carriage was no longer in sight. Midoriya could feel his blood run cold but boil at the same time as steam began rising off the left side of his body. His breathing became erratic as his flesh burned the boy's left hand and made his right hand frost over. He hissed in pain but never let go nonetheless.


The ground around the pair split open and pillars of fire came spewing out, the ground shook and the two of them fell over on impact. The blue eyed boy had hit his head and fallen unconscious, and Izuku wasn't far from that fate as well.

There was a faint ringing in his ears and the world was spinning around him, but that didn't stop him from trying to get to his mother. He clawed at the ground dragging his half numb body back to the wreckage. But before it could be seen again his eyelids began to feel like lead, pulling them down like curtains over his eyes.

"Mom. . ." Izuku reached forward with a shaking arm desperate to see anything through the haze of the heat before falling completely into darkness.

>< >< ><

Izuku bolted awake the next morning in a tiny room he had no recognition of. He was covered by a thin wool blanket that barely covered the small mattress he was laying in.

Izuku spied a neatly folded pair of clothes meticulously placed at the foot of the bed. He slowly slipped out from under the blanket and hesitantly crawled down to the clothes.

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