A ring can save a life

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Juvin Lockser Pov

My name is juvin Lockser I am Juvia's little sister. I was not supposed to be here today I should not be living with my brother in law but here I am. I love my brother in law but he is never happy any more and it is all my fault. Even if he tells me it's not. Well if I wasn't here he would be happy and love but not going to ever happen unless I can change back the hands of time. It all started....

Juvia's Pov

Gray and I ran to the hospital crying our eyes out. We found out my 7 year old sister had a really bad illness that she would die in a year or two. Gray loved her so much I remember when Gray and me were dating he always came and played with her. I loved watching them play on the couch it was like having a family of my own. But all of that could change if she dies. Once we walked in the hallway her room was in I saw our guild mates crying. Gray and I walked past them and went to my sisters room. Gray Dried both mine and his tears. We saw her there smiling like she always did no matter how much pain she was in. The doctor came in and told us she had about a year to live. Unless we got about close to 2 million dollars for a cure. After a few days we took her home and that year every day me or gray was with her playing with her while on of us took a quest to raise money. Toward around the end of the year she was alway coughing and saying her stomach hurt. Me and gray felt awful then gray. Juvin had about 4 month to go when she got really sick but the worst part was gray could not see me or her anymore he had an arranged marriage and it stated gray could not see us any more. A month before she was supposed to die gray and his wife came. Gray handed me a box with a ring with a note that said ...

Dear Juvia

I love you more than you could ever know I wanted to propose to you with this ring the day juvin was put in the hospital. But she was sick and I wanted to make it all about her. Now I know you are gonna be about 4000 dollars short so sale the ring I paid 5000 dollars for it so you will have about a thousand left over for you. I hope one day me and you could start a family and be married and we would adopt Juvin. But right now we can't and always remember if anything happens I will be right by your side.


Juvia's Pov Still

I cried while reading this but then things turned for the worst. Grays wife grabbed the ring out my hand and tossed it into the fire place saying he can't marry me. I fell to the floor and screamed that was my last hope of getting money In time. Gray showed her the note and then he bent down and hugged me. His wife then says sorry and she is divorcing him so he can be with me. We walked to juvins room and saw she wasn't moving gray then checked her pulse as we ran to the hospital gray made the whole side walk to ice as we slid all the way there. I then realized how to save Juvin but it meant I had to risk everything. I kissed gray for what seemed like forever then I said "I am sorry but always know I am in your heart I will always love you I care for you, Gray you made me a better person from the moment you invited me to the guild. " gray stood there shocked and said he loved me to but also was questioning why I was saying all this. I then said "You mean the world to me I don't want to leave but I must I have never said this since we started dating but I will say it again, Juvia loves you Gray~Sama" "And Gray loves Juvia~Sama but what do you mean. " I waved bye and saw him crying and confused I run back kiss him then told him " Wait for me to come home " and started walking again. I finally arrived to Juvins room and gave her all of my magic power. Every thing went dark but I knew I will still be living in side my precious grays heart.

Juvins Pov

I wake up to see my dead sister with my brother in law crying over her. I feel tears run down my face but my heart shattered when I heard him say I love your I her but what he said after that crushed me " Juvia wake up I love everything about you I love it when you call me gray~sama you are beautiful even when your crying , I love it when you kiss me and I hold you close I will protect Juvin one because she was like my little sister and to because she is the last thing I have left of you." I felt weak it was my fault. A year has passed gray always says it not my fault but it was. I was now more mature now so I ask gray " Why did Juvia die and what could have prevented it from happening. " "The ring I wanted to marry her with we were suppose to sale it when my ex wife tossed it in the fire." Oh was all I could say then I had one more question "What is something you will never forget about Juvia". He was crying it felt as if it would flood up the house. " I will never forget when she had to leave on a dangerous 4 day mission it was 2 month after you were born, She walked away but then she ran back to me and gave me the best kiss I will ever had. So I remember when she kissed me in the corner of 6th and how I held her close till our eyes met , But what she said then was also the last thing she ever told me she said Wait for me to come home" I stood there shocked I could not find words to explain any thing. Gray then left to his room got something and came back out. It was a memory box it had necklace and a lot of other stuff. Then at the very bottom I saw a picture of juvia and gray kissing under the light post. I cried a ring could have saved me but it was destroyed so juvia killed herself in order to save me but what did she mean to gray wait for me to come home. Then I realized it meant that she will fell at home because she will live on. Then I walked to the kitchen gray looked as if he cried for a century. Gray then looked in box and pulled out a picture of him and juvia , and looked at it for a minute and says " She will always be by us and I was the luckiest man alive to just get to stand by her. " And then he walked out the door and told me to follow him there I saw it the lamp post down on 6th street.

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