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    Uneasiness was how gray fullbuster felt. This is the story of the best girl you will ever meet juvia lockser.

      Grays pov

          Though the truth may vary these words I believe them. I will keep believing them till I die. She was my everything. It's funny how things can change in just one moment. Laughter can cause tragedies and a smile can turn to a frown.

      My girlfriend and I was walking to class she was as bright as bubbly as always but I knew that would all change when she walked in class. I always try to make her happy and I do. She makes me happy. Students bully her I don't know why she is beautiful even stunning, but everyone is just cruel.

   After school me and juvia walked home it was great we laughed and talked the whole way. We got to her place and watched tv till we decided to go to bed I laid there and wrapped my arms around her then she snuggled up. But I tried to grab her hands when I grabbed her wrists and she winced it pain. I had a scared and worried expression on my face I told her that she has so much to live for and I would always be there for her. She agreed to stop and I talked about how amazing she was. The next day she was a whole lot happier like she knew she had something. But all comes to an end when people just point , state and laughed at her as she entered the class room. She then texts me saying she would love me till death did us part and I sent I love you too baby back. Little did I know it wouldn't be long she skipped her next class and she ran home only if I was there to stop her only if I had one more chance I would have came to her class and told them to stop I it would have stopped the inevitable. I catch my breath even I still think it fast. She ran into the bathroom not 1 not 4 but 6 scars, the blood dripped down the bathtub her thoughts imagining what our future would have been like she tried to stop it but it just wouldn't. I had an uneasy feeling and it wouldn't go away so I ran up out of class my heart was pounding I ran to her house the front door was wide open I ran to the bathroom my heart stopped I was angry and sad yelling no one came. The ambulance got there and took her away the blood was gushing. She had so much left to live for I wish she was still here why would she do these thing when I could have healed the pain talking could have helped all she would have asked. The doctor came out and said sorry for your lost I didn't know what to do I ran to her room and there she was cold hard and dead. I unplugged her from the machines I ran off with through the breeze her in my arms I ran to the place that gave her hope I ran to the  orchard past the cherry blossom trees. A pit was in my stomach I stumbled all around I took her and laid her down I cried on top of her for hours. People found us and took me home and her to the funeral home. I went to the ceremony wishing she was here why'd she have to do it I loved her all along. The next day I got a call from the doctor I answered it with my eyes swollen from all of the tears. Apparently before I left the doctor was going to say Juvs was pregnant before she died she was 1 months along they but it inside another woman. Tears flowed from my eyes don't know whether if they were sad or happy. I was happy for my kid but sad the baby would have a mom. 8 months went by my baby girl was born I named her juvia after her mom. 4 more months went by and she started asking bout her mom I cried every time for the woman that I loved. My heart and soul was torn till I saw her mothers eyes in her face. It was a twinkle I remember all to well. I didn't think I would ever find love again that wasn't until saw my daughter. I knew what Juvs would have wanted for me take care of her and tell her about all of mine and my daughters mom adventures. We went to visit the orchard we went to her grave tears slipped out of mine and my daughters eyes then my daughter looked at me and smiled. Alls I saw was her mother I may never see juvia again but will always have the greatest  thing  she ever gave to me my daughter.

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