e i g h t • a w a r e n e s s

159 12 0

May 2008

"Millie," Finn sang, waving his fingers in front of the small brunette's face. Millie shook her head and hummed, her eyes focusing on his dainty tan fingers inches before her pupils. Her eyes narrowed and focus upon the tips of his fingers, "what?"

Her teeth automatically began to fumble with the bud of skin in her mouth and Finn frowned, watching her chin lightly move up and down, the skin rolling into her mouth at her teeth's advantage.

"What's wrong?" His eyes trailed from her face down to her bandaged fingers, eyeing as they held tightly onto the edge seams of her jacket.

Millie shook her head and kept her eyes straight ahead, her eyes focusing on the wall just feet behind Finnick's head. Millie didn't know what was wrong, her head hurt and her body ached. She felt tired and sluggish; her body and mind physically and emotionally drained.

Her skin itched as she fought the voices in her head from telling her to scratch and dig the crawlies out from underneath her skin. She clung to the material of her jacket, the tips of her nails digging through the cotton and into her skin as she imagined relieving herself of the pain, from the ache coming from her arms.

All she wanted was to feel at ease and the only thing that could give her any source of enlightenment was resting peacefully at the bottom of her backpack.

"Millie," he muttered, his eyes widen with worry as his hands grasped her wrists. Millie shook her head and tried to pry her hands out of his grasp, but her strength was too weak. Her head pounded as her vision became blurred, everything in her surroundings from her best friends' eye color to the friends beside her and the lunch on the table evaporating into darkness.

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