s e v e n t e e n • u n t i l y o u l o v e y o u r s e l f

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"I want you," Finn breathed, his index finger tracing small ovals over the side of her thumb. His nose was a few feet apart from her cheek, his eyes lingering from her eyes down to her lips. She could feel his heavy breathing upon her cheek, cooling the warmth radiating from his touch of her hands to her face.

Millie's head felt fuzzy while her eyes blurred, tears clouding the corners of her eyes. Shaking her head, she scoffed quietly, her breath echoing the room in a soft whisper. "No you don't," she whispered.

He shook his head while wrapping his free arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Her body slid delicately across the comforter until her shoulder pressed against his chest. Finn pressed his lips lightly under her earlobe then to her ear.

"I want you," he whispered, "all of you." Finn's breath fanned her ear while the vibration of his voice tickled her skin. She shivered underneath his touch while tiny white goosebumps danced out of hiding upon her tanned skin.

His lips lingered upon her ear while he softly blew then slowly trailed his lips back up from her ear to her forehead, kissing her lightly. "When you're sad," he whispered kissing the center of her forehead, then the down on her right cheek, "mad." Finn continued his slow trail down her jaw, "happy," to the side of her neck, "confused," then to her collarbone, "empty."

"Irritated," he continued, his lips roaming from Millie's collarbone to the corner of her shoulder, "numb."

Finn lifted her arm in the air until her skin was near his face, "I want you every second of the day, night, morning..." He pecked her skin from the top of the shoulder down to her hand, "I want you when you feel like you have no purpose." He kissed the knuckles of her hand and then her open palm, "I want you when you feel like there's no point in waking."

He opened his eyes and looked up at the girl before him. Millie's mouth was slightly parted, allowing her breaths to escape; while tears were silently cascading down her redden cheeks, falling onto the top of her loose tank.

Cupping her chin in his hand, Finnick brought her face towards his, pressing her forehead against his own. A small whimper bellowed from deep within her chest, something she'd been holding in tightly once his lips burnt her skin.

His other hand found the side of her cheek, his thumb rubbing back and forth under her eye. He brushed his nose across the tip of hers, and quietly shushed her while his hand slid down her cheek to her lips, his thumb running across her bottom chapped lip repeatedly.

Finn licked his lips and stared into her dark brown eyes. His lips were centimeters away from touching hers, both knowing when he would move his mouth to speak, his lips would lightly graze her own.

"Most of all, I want you when you don't want yourself," he whispered, molding his lips onto hers.

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