b o n u s • n o t h i n g m o r e

132 9 1

June 21st 2014

"Get it through your head Millie!" he yelled in amusement, motioning towards the top of her head with his index and middle finger. Millie flinched and turned her cheek, mumbling 'fuck you' underneath her breath.

She bit the inside of her lip, her teeth chattering lightly as her lip began to quiver. Millie groaned internally and blinked back the tears attempting to swarm her sockets. Like hell he would be the cause of her tears once more. As if, she would allow him to see her shatter through the sound of his voice and the meaning behind his words.

"It's not going to happen," he rushed, his voice monotone as if he practiced the line in his car on the drive over, "we'll always be friends."

Millie laughed bitterly and ran her fingers over her face, kneading her skin.

"Promise?" she said and tilted her head as she looked at him. His lips parted slightly and his eyes searched hers, looking for an opening into her mind. He knew that laugh. He could be a thousand miles away and still hear that laugh, knowing the meaning laced within the sound.

Her posture was now straight and she was sporting her signature Millie smirk; while her eyes were wide with dilated pupils, eyeing him in a taunting manor. Finn was accustomed to Millie's moods, how within minutes she could go from spilling her thoughts as if you were her journal and she was the pen, to sealing her lips with a lock and tossing the key attached to a brink in the ocean, treating you as if you were some stranger passing by once in a lifetime on the street.

There was Millie, who exposed herself, and Millie, who acted as if she didn't exist; almost, as if she were someone anew.

"Millie," he let out a breath and took a step closer. He knew what was to come yet that didn't stop him from falling for it all over again. Oh, how the roles were reversed; within less than a minute Millie was superior, making Finn feel twice as small and vulnerable to her voice and sight.

Her brow quirked upward and she grinned, "Finnick, do you promise?"

Finn opened his mouth slightly then closed it and shook his head at himself, knowing regardless of his plea Millie had already made up her mind. He would just be talked to empty space, a dead end. It didn't matter.

Millie tilted her head and smiled, "it's just a promise, Finnick."

"Sure," he sighed then shrugged, turning away from her gaze, "promise."

For a millisecond Millie's smile had faltered but was quickly wiped away into a wicked smile. She wouldn't dare let him see any hope she had within her of him refusing to do the one thing she easily asked for.

"Nothing more, nothing less?" she added. Finn turned his head, his head shaking as he took in her teasing eyes. The eyes he could never say no to. He knew what she was doing, from the glint in her eyes to the words leaving her lips.

Nothing more, nothing less.

He ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek and chuckled, shaking his head, "you're fucking unbelievable."

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