b o n u s • e m p t y t a b l e s

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An empty living room was something Finnick and Millie were accustomed to; a place where they always seemed to find themselves in; a symbol of both a beginning and an end.

The room was wide, the sound of X Ambassadors echoing from wall to wall. Cardboard boxes were scattered across the wooden floor, amongst a naked circle coffee table and couch with no cushions.

In between the clutter of the beginning of a move, the center of it all was a blanket fort: a medium sized latter and a stool covered with two sheets; and three blankets and pillows piled underneath the sheets.

"Can I help you scavenger?!" Finnick snapped, pinching the side of Millie's wrist in between in his chop sticks. Millie gasped, her chopsticks falling from her grasp and onto Finn's carton atop of his Chow Mein while she brought her hand to her chest; using her free hand to massage her skin.

Millie frowned down at the two little indents on her skin as she rubbed them out until the light shade of pink indents faded away and her skin was normal colored. Finn bit back a laugh and chuckled; Millie's attention leaving her skin to up at Finn.

A frown hung upon her face before her lips twisted upward into a sly smile. The smile Finn knew too well when Millie wanted something that was out of her grasp. Finn glanced down at his half eat food then looked at Millie, sucking the inside of his cheeks to hold back a smile as he tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.

Millie watched Finnick hover his chopsticks over his dish until he stopped on the Chow Mein; picking up a strand of noodles, dangling in the air in between his and her face.

"Is this what you want?" he said, leaning the noddle covered sticks towards Millie's mouth. Millie's eyes lit up like a child given a Cherry flavored Tootsie Pop, nodding her head as she opened her mouth with a hushed 'ah'.

Finn hovered the chopsticks high over her mouth and Millie groaned, stretching her neck upward so she could take a bite. Before she could close her mouth around a strand of soy sauced noodles, Finn met her halfway, shoving the noodles into his own mouth.

"Finn!" Millie pouted, slapping his shoulder as he laughed in between bites, slowly slurping the last noodle in between his lips until it was safely hidden in his mouth underneath his teeth.

Millie hoisted herself up with her elbows until she was sitting up on her bottom, her legs tucked underneath her. Using her chopsticks she pinched some of her steamed rice and flung it at Finnick, the food sticking to his dirty blonde locks.

Finn's eyes darted upward as he tried to look at the rice hanging in his hair, making his eyes go crossed towards the middle of his forehead. "Hey," he muttered watching the noodle dangle before sticking his tongue out and pulling the noodle into his mouth.

"You're gross," she cooed and Finn grinned. "But you still love me," he stated. Millie's eyes gleamed as she sported a childish grin, "that I do."

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