t w e l v e • i n y o u r s h o e s

178 13 0

August 2008

Finnick's right hand grasped the sepia metaled door knob, silently counting as he exhaled through his mouth. His closed fist loosened on the knob, bringing his now free hand up to his head, running his hands through his mane.

Normally, he would just stroll through the door as if he were in his own home, making his presence known the moment he stepped foot into the hallway. Now, he didn't know whether or not he could open the door like he owned the join, instead needing to show privacy by knocking on the door and waiting for a response upon whether or not he was granted entry.

This was his best friend he was talking about, not some acquaintance he just met and was getting to know. It would be abnormal of their friendship if Finn asked for Millie's permission to enter. Sure, he hadn't seen her in a month and a half, and sure, she hadn't replied to his messages; but still, they were best friends.

"Get ahold of yourself Finn," he muttered in a hushed whisper as he glanced down at his Van clad feet. He shook his shoulders and wiggled his legs then stood up straight, his hand returning to the door knob and turning it with confidence.

The wooden door opened with the turn and push of Finn's hand, the bottom of the frame slowly crapping across the carpet, blocked by materials of scattered clothing. Millie's room before him was the opposite of how he last saw it. Her once cream colored curtains were replaced with shier black – blocking out any traces of the sun's shining rays, her dressers covered with crinkled papers and laundry, dirty or clean he couldn't tell, why her carpet was hidden by more clothing and mismatched shoes; her backpack lay open with its contents poured onto the floor within the corner.

The only item Finn could properly make out was her white – now painted black – book shelf housing her record and book collection, record player, and fresh pine scented candle burning to the quick. The turner turned rhythmically as soft hums of Sigur Ros vibrated through the speakers.

Finn closed the door softly behind him, Millie's retreating back oblivious to the dirty-blonde haired boy standing only feet away. There were about six blankets atop of Millie and all Finn could see was the strands of her hair atop of her Harry Potter pillow.

When Finnick first knocked on the Dobson's door, Millie's mother said she was napping; and knowing Millie, Finn wouldn't doubt it. Millie had the ability to sleep wherever and whenever she wanted, regardless if she grew tired or not. However, Finn knew when Millie was sleeping, and as he intently eyed his best friend, he knew she was faking.

"You can cut the crap Mill," he began, picking up a pillow that lay on the floor and tossing it towards Millie's head, "I know you're awake." There wasn't a response to Finn's fact, only the turn of the next song, Untitled 1, filling the thick air. Finn rolled his eyes, "you don't sleep on your stomach and you're a wiggle worm," he added.

Millie rolled onto her side, her face to the wall and back to Finn, her hands clasped together underneath her chin. She slowly pried her eyes open and bit the inside of her mouth. "I told you I'm busy," she spoke, her voice flat.

Shoving Millie's clothes and shoes with his feet, Finn shoveled a path to Millie's bed. He sat down on the side of the bed near the bottom of her feet, his left leg propping onto the mattress. "What's going on?" he said, desperation laced within every syllable. For weeks he had called and left voicemails, spamming her instant messaging, and blowing up her text minutes, and not once had she bothered to reply until early this morning.

If he hadn't been speaking to Veronica about Millie, he wouldn't have waited as long to see her, since Roni stated she had been speaking to Millie, and to her Millie was peachy keen. What Finnick didn't know was the Millie hadn't spoken one word to her blonde cousin longer than she hadn't spoken to Finn himself. Millie defriended her cousin on MySpace and deleted her number from her phone, she even paid no attention towards Roni at family functions, shooting the blonde bombshell daggers every time they did meet gazes.

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