b o n u s • d o u b l e s t a n d a r d s

163 8 0

November 1st 2011

"I know what I want for my birthday," she said in between breaths, taking a small step backwards so she could tilt her head upward and capture his gaze. Her grasp loosened around his neck as her hands slid from behind his neck, down to his chest.

"And what's that?"

His hands lingered across her lower back, his fingers delicately dancing circles on her skin. She quietly laughed to herself as her wish ran through her mind and she looked away, shaking her head.

"Nevermind," she breathed then pressed her lips against his. His eyes shut as he gave into her kiss, and he rocked back on his heels, pulling her against him and into his chest. His hands came into view from underneath the material of her cotton shirt and resided on the side of her face, cupping her cool cheeks in his warm palms.

"Hey," he muttered into their kiss. He pulled her face away from his and ran his thumb across her bottom lip. "What is it you want?"

He could tell by the harsh look in her eye she was battling herself, knowing she wanted to tell him but withdrew because of the fear nuzzling inside her mind. She let out a heavy deep sigh and he made a hushing sound while pulling her closer to his body.

His hands wrapped around her waist and she buried her face into his chest. Her hands tightened around his body, her hands clasping together behind his back. Their bodies molding into one perfect form, with his chin resting on the top of her head and their shoes locked in between the other.

She shook her head into his shirt and mumbled; her words incoherent due to the fabric between her face and his body. He laughed into her hair and kissed the top of her head, "it can't be that bad, can it?"

"Expensive dinner," he muttered planting a kiss on her temple, his lips lingering downward to her cheek, "and dash," he added with a smirk. Millie's eyes fluttered shut and she laughed lightly, her lips parting as she basked in the sensation of his lips upon her skin.

His lips continued their trail to her ear, "rob a bank." Millie shivered as his voice vibrated her ear drum, sending waves through her body and down to her ankles.

She groaned into his chest and his muscles tightened, the vibrations from her body shocking through his clothes and tickling his skin. "I want you to have me," she mumbled, closing her eyes tightly until she saw black and gray shapes. It was different hearing the words out loud than hearing them repeatedly in her mind.

His grip loosened around her waist and her body turned cold, feeling the blood drain down to her toes. She dropped her hands from around his body and took a step back.

His eyes widened in fear as he searched her face. "I can't," he shook his head.

Millie's hands fell in front of her chest and she looked at him with worry, "you can."

Finn shook his head and let out a nervous breath, running his hands over his eyes, "no, Millie."

"I don't get it," she breathed, watching as Finnick side stepped her, her body twisting as she followed his move, "you said it's what you wanted."

"Not anymore," he muttered gripping the doorknob in his hand, twisting the lock to the left, "it's too much."

Millie let out a heavy breath and looked up, staring at the white and black dotted. Welts of tears began to coat her vision and she shook her head, begging herself not to crumble underneath his rejection, "okay,"

Finnick let go of the door, sighing as he rested his forehead on the wood. Within the sound of her voice, he could hear the pain from the dagger splitting her heart. "Millie," he turned around, his face softening into a frown as he took in Millie's vulnerable appearance, "I'm sorry"

Millie tore her gaze off the ceiling and plastered a smile on her face, hoping her best friend couldn't see the quiver of her lips but knowing, he knew her far too well to be oblivious to the tick.

"Don't worry about it," she smiled softly and kneaded her fingers over her eyes, rubbing them clear of the tears until her vision blurred of purple and gray shapes. Letting out an exasperated breath, Millie walked towards Finnick and reached behind his back.

His brows knitted as he watched Millie, waiting for her hand to come in contact with his backside. Finn parted his lips slightly in the shape of an oval when the sound of the door creaking open filled the empty silence.

"Where are you going?" he said, stepping to the side, allowing space for Millie to squeeze her way out between him and the doorframe. "Food."

Finn followed Millie out of the room, reaching for her shoulder, "I'll come with-"

"Nah, I'm good," she rushed, causing Finn to drop his hand from ever grasping her.

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