"Stat solus sanguis. Caelum, sanctificat simul."

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My heart was starting to pound as I rushed out of the room. Death? I had been training my whole life for this, and now that it was happening, I'm filled with doubt. 

Did we have to kill them? The videos I watched of them showed them saving the day. They're like Macho, they're protectors. 

But I couldn't think of him. I couldn't let any doubt seep in. This was it. I had to do this, but my ongoing frustration for what I was feeling was the only thing that I could think of. I was confused and couldn't show it. For some reason, I felt sick of living a lie. It isn't a lie. I had to tell that to myself to make sure my mind would be in the fight and ready for battle.

This never happened to me before. I never even thought about going against the Commander. Ever. Let alone even dare question the power of his strength. So why now I felt my conscious screaming at me to stop this battle.

You have to stop this. You know better. Listen to Macho.

Shut up! I have to.

A harsh and cruel voice was speaking. It sounded like my own voice when I spoke death to the other soldiers' not too long ago. You have to.

Not now.

The arguments were deafening. Don't feel. Obey.

Then stop this.

I won't.

It was like my conscious was laughing at me. Do you really think you, a teenage, mutated monster, can stop one of the most powerful forces in the world?

Heaven is above defeat and God, my father, dishes it out to the unworthy. The voice stopped, but I know it would be back again.

I walked as fast as I could through the crowded hallways to the airships that would be dropping us off at the warehouses. I don't need this battle. I rolled my eyes at myself. I don't even think that this was a battle, at least it shouldn't be one. You are the hero. You are the hero. You have to do this. That's what matters.

I arrived at launch pad C, and followed the swarms of soldiers boarding the main ship. I climbed the ramp and took a left to stand next to the Commander's seat.

The ship had a rounded control panel with a table in the center. Leading officials took their seats around it and lower ranking officers took their places at the main control panel and the controls surrounding the walls. The Commander's throne sat on top of a set of stairs so he could look at the soldiers doing their work.

The Commander soon entered behind me and sat upon his throne. With a death defying glance he looked at his soldiers who had been preparing for years.

He sat down and tilted his chin up. "Let's go to war." 

Soldiers went into action, pulling levers and managing steering. The ship rose to a steady altitude, while the roof above us opened. Soon more ships followed and we exited the hanger. I looked down at my hands. They would be stained red after this.

My father placed a firm grasp on my shoulder. I tensed quickly, but calmly looked into his eyes.

"We are the heroes," he said as he pointed a finger upwards. "He sees to it that we are." I swallowed and nodded.

I just don't think some parts of me agree with that yet.


The Watchtower: One Hour Before the Fight

The Watchtower's plaza was echoing with roars of common laughter and scoffs at some lost bets. The scene was cheerful and nothing seemed out of place. Martian Manhunter and Batman stood on the balcony that looked over the first floor. 

Martian Manhunter stood gazing at the crowd that appeared before him. "Batman," his gaze didn't move away from his friends. "I am not accustomed to reading the minds of my fellow friends," he swallowed, "but in this case," he turned to face Batman, "I had to make that mistake." His red eyes were transfixed on the object Batman was toying with in his hands.

Batman gave a grunt of displeasure as his low voice rumbled, "and what does that tell you?" His hands kept toying with the cloth he held. It was white and bared a message in Latin. It read, 'Stat solus sanguis. Caelum, sanctificat simul."

"Blood stands alone. Heaven purifies together." The Martian raised an eyebrow. "Do you think it's them?"

"Could it be anyone else?" Batman stood upright and walked behind him to the monitors. He entered some commands into the computer and the screen popped up dozens of pictures and newspaper clippings.

"This evidence has been repeating itself for the last fifteen years ever since the smaller cults had been dealt with." Batman pulled up some newspapers that showed the same words that were written on the cloth Batman carried in his hand. He turned to face Martian Manhunter. "This," he gestured to the cloth, "was on my doorstep." He gave the cloth to Manhunter and he observed it. "And this," he pulled a white envelope out of his cloak and pulled two burned pieces of  of cloth, different from the one before, "was left at my desk when I got back from Johannesburg." Martian Manhunter took the cloth's and looked at them.

"Any messages on the second or third?"

"Yes, the one responsible managed to write the same thing on the back of each cloth. When I ran it through some scanners, the evidence became clear that whoever these belonged to," Batman didn't want to finish his sentence, "didn't escape the grasp of the fire that killed them."

"What does that have to do with the investigation?"

"I had Nightwing look at it," Batman turned away from Manhunter and went to the window where he could observe space, "and I think that one of them is cloth that belonged to Cassie Sandsmark otherwise known as Wonder Girl, and the other is from Beast Boy."

The Martian gave a slight gasp. "What do you mean that it belonged to them?"  He was at Batman's side. "We thought we still had contact."

"Their signals went out weeks ago. All of us thought that they were just hiding for the mission's sake." Batman turned. He rarely showed any emotions, but at this moment anyone near him could tell he felt guilt and remorse.

Manhunter's hand went on Batman's shoulder. "We were all fooled." The two both sighed. "Does Diana know?"


"And Me'gann? She's been worried sick about that poor boy. "

"No." Batman's fists were clenched. "Someone has to go tell them."

"Is now the right time?"

"There will never be time if the Complex does what they say they will do."

Batman walked into the zeta tube that would take him to Mount Justice.

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