Almost Ready

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The Leader marched out of his office with a new sense of annoyance. He never liked the burden of his daughter, but he didn't like last minute changes to his plan. I must get the troops. They must be ready.

He wandered in thought until he found himself entering the upper part of the mess hall. Soldiers were leaning over the railing, clumping together, and watching something with a curiosity he hadn't observed within them for a long time. 

But then he heard a battle cry, a female voice yelling in triumph. 

The Leader found himself drawn toward the edge of the railing with the others, making his way to a less crowded opening to see what was going on. He began to clench his fists as he realized who was making all of the commotion downstairs. 

The Leader was staring at his very alive daughter who was now declaring her power to everyone in the room. Her stature was tall, proud, and confident. He words seemed to echo a message of power that the Leader thought only he could produce. 

He smirked. I taught her well.

But then the Leader heard her tone change and saw her feet move a step backward. This new sound she carried was weaker than the first, and showed great arrogance. 

 Arrogance destroys you before anything has begun. Her mother was killed for beholding such a thing: for being weak.

The Leader put his arms behind his back and walked closer to the edge of the railing. His eyes focused on his daughter below. He cleared his throat and the troops from below and the ones that surrounded him gave their attention to him. They all bowed their heads in acknowledgement.

"Oh my darling dear," his voice echoed as he stared at her, "if you wanted to express messages of the Divine, you should have looked for me first to tell you them." His daughter stopped talking and the glowing flames they were carrying began to dim. "Now don't be such a fool by expressing such raw emotions. The enemy would use that against you and those messages need to be strengthen by the mighty." 

Her eyes squinted at him in a way that suggested that she didn't understand what she was saying. She probably thought he would like her boasting, and now he didn't like it. In a way he knew that his daughter was thinking that he was the enemy.

Centering herself in the room she cleared her throat, "I'm ready father." She looked proudly into his eyes.

The Leader could see that her eyes were filled with something. Desperation perhaps?  But he didn't care how she felt. He only cared about getting revenge for his dead wife, Juliane. She was killed by the Justice League. They were the ultimate threat.

The Leader scoffed. "You aren't ready. You're unstable and reckless. This mission requires the opposite attitude you are presenting." He opened his arms and gripped the railing. His eyes danced around the room below him and the soldiers only furthered their pledge of reverence toward him. 

"God needs a hero, not an arrogant, power-hungry, girl."

"Father, I-," She felt embarrassed standing in front of everyone while he poked at her imperfections.

"You are not ready, and as you are my soldier now, you will address me by the term Commander from now on. This is not child's play and you are not a child. Now go to the training room and wait for further instructions."

He could tell that she was angry and hurt when she stormed out of the room. She was not ready. The Commander turned to his second, Macho, who had followed him into the room. "Follow her and show that weakness is not tolerated here."

"Sir, with all do respect, she's your daughter. She's young and is adjusting to something new, I think it would be best if-," Macho saw the look he was given and swallowed. "You're right, she's not a child and shouldn't be treated like one." Macho felt his stomach drop and let out a sigh of disbelief. "What do you want me to do?"

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