Epilogue V: Flash Returns - Crossover Part One

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Introducing a D.C. universe crossover with the one and only @DarkKnightSP! It was so fun collaborating It was so fun to collaborate with this writer and to explore the boundaries of my story's universe with them. Please go support their works by voting, following, and sharing. Enjoy!


Barry's POV:

I never imagined this. Batman always warned me to never let my guard down, but with Cisco and Caitlin alongside me. I never had to worry about those things. Then came the next transition, Zoom. He played with us, some of our feelings. He made me think that nobody can be trusted in this world selflessly.

I had made up my mind back then, before Savitar came. Before he showed me what, not trusting anyone can bring out in me.

Then came Thawne. My long lost rival. I always thought that I had a plan for everything, my friends had a plan for everything. But he was different.

Somehow he managed to be one step ahead of us each and every time we faced him.

Every time he tried to ruin my life. Stopped by me and my friends thrice, stopped by Oliver and his team once. Stopped by Sara and her Legends once. But he never stopped. He had this hatred for me in him. I don't know why, I don't know how, but he always had this within him

He is always ready to ruin my life.

Whether it be Illusion, Zoom, Savitar, Mirror Master, Reverse Flash my enemies were growing more rapidly than the global warming.

Maybe this was the reason why I never felt secure? Maybe watching my dad in pain and remembering my mother's death forced me to go back in time to try and save her again.

But then I found out, it's nothing but an excuse. I have these powers, I have to use them carefully. My time of doing and repeating past mistakes are over.

But are its repercussions over?

What is this?

I am traveling through time stream trying to get hold of my speed, but like Thawne said, my body is injured and no speed I am not able to focus on my earth.

I am helpless. These places, why don't I remember them? I have traveled through time before, I have traveled through space before. I have traveled to different earths before. Then why am I not able to recollect these places.

Who are they?

I notice many earths on my way. An earth with each hero appearing to be half human and half machine.

Everyone here is like a Cyborg.

I also noticed an earth where every hero was wearing an armor like the Amazonians.

An Amazonian League?

I have to take a deep breath and cool myself down.

What has happened here? Has my last travel through time and flashpoint caused as much ripple in the continuity that entirely new universes were created?

Here comes another earth.

That's Caitlin. Why is she killing Batman? Wait, here Clark is Batman? Why is J'onn killing Fate? Why is the League trapped by him in Fate's house? Everything until now was slowly blurring out.

What have I done? Is it all because of me?

But now, I have to focus. I have to focus and get back to that time. I have to help my friends. And most importantly Bart.

I hear that voice again. Who are you? Why am I hearing you?.

I then notice a helmet. A golden color helmet with two stripes on it. It looked like Batman's cowl.

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