United We Are Strong

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Flying the through the pale grey sky was like venturing to a vat of steam and oil. The smoke sank into everyone's lungs and made it hard to breath. The air was heavy with melancholy that cut a dark hole into even the most impenetrable skin. Every movement, thought, and glance all felt wrong. Superman looked over at his teammates with a sorrowful gleam in his eyes. His stomach ached for redemption, longed for forgiveness, but he knew better than to ask for what they could never give. This was the war that tore bonds apart.

Superman continued to look forward and soon closed his eyes. He tried to focus on the sound; the sounds of battle and anything that resembled screams, grunts, and discord, but there was nothing. The only sound was the whistling fire of burning planes and warehouses. Nothing was right and it felt wrong not to know what was going on.

Superman gestured for Hawkman and Manhunter to follow him.The smoke was growing denser and was beginning to make the ground hardly visible. Slowly, he lead his team closer to the ground, finally landing in a courtyard. Fiery warehouses stretched across the opening on the far sides, making way for the perfect battle field. A mix of white and colored bodies were littered aimlessly across the cobblestones. Superman tread forward carefully, trying to avoid stepping on any of the fallen.

The heroes kept themselves from looking down to the ground. They knew that they had passed some of their friends; the ones they thought could live forever. Superman continued to lead but felt his emotions way him down. He wanted to mourn for his friends, but he didn't have time. He swallowed his convictions and took a deep breath in. The smell of soot and death burned his lungs and only made Clark feel worse about himself. Forward, we have to keep moving forward.

Manhunter gave a pained expression to Hawkman. He simply nodded and continued to follow Clark. Manhunter wondered if Hawkman felt what everyone else felt. Most of the time, Hawkman stood in silence and agreed with nothing more than a nod. What did he hide behind his mask? What burdens were hidden in his eyes? For once in his life, Manhunter wasn't able to read minds. He couldn't tell what was going on with his friends.

Martian Manhunter finally stopped in his tracks and broke the silence. "I'm sorry."

Both of the other men stopped. Clark looked confused. "What?"

"I'm sorry. It was my fault this happened. If I had just been more careful none of this would have happ-"

"It's okay." Hawkman said. Clark stood by Hawkman and murmured in agreement.

"Look, I just needed t-" A moaning interrupted the three's apologies. Clark's eyes lit up as he realized that someone was alive. He didn't know if it was someone from the same team, but anything would be good news at the moment.

Clark tuned in his senses and focused on the moaning sound. It was coming from their left. Clark turned and saw a pile of stones. "Someone's in there!" Superman rushed to help and began throwing chunks of rock to the side. Manhunter and Hawkman exchanged glances and then began doing the same.

The moaning grew louder as more rocks got thrown to the side. Clark gasped and held out a hand. "Billy? Billy Batson?"

The small body curled into a ball and groaned in pain. His eyes fluttered opened at the sound of a familiar voice. "Superman?"

Clark put a hand on Billy's face. "I'm here."

"I'm sorry," he gasped, "I shouldn't have come back."

Superman began to grow tears in his eyes as he looked at the helpless little boy in front of him. His clothes were torn and fresh scratches showed everywhere on his skin. Clark choked and held Billy closer. "Don't be sorry. This was my fault."

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