To Rest in Purgatory

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Hawk Girl lifted her head to gaze at my blazing state of fire. Her eyes were ingrained with hatred for me and I could tell that all she wanted to do was rip me apart. She wanted to hurt me, no matter what the others thought of her afterwards.

I only smiled at her again. I was starting to win. She couldn't fly. She was damaged.

My focus went back to Green Arrow. He was crawling amidst the rubble, trying to get others from the League. I could still take him. 

Finish him. You know you want to, chirped the voice.

But I could only stare at Green Arrow. He couldn't fight back, not really. My conscience tried to remind me of my eagerness to please the Commander. Don't give this to him. You don't want to do this.

But the voice got the better of me. I looked toward Hawk Girl again and tilted my head. My hair fell to one side and danced in the soft breeze of battle. I stared into her eyes again and matched the same intensity she was giving me. 

"Heaven looks down upon the innocent," I sneered and I lifted my arm toward Green Arrow, "and supports the mighty." 

I then sent another blast of fire down to him, showing no mercy to his weakness.


The Commander's Ship

The Commander took in a deep sigh while staring into the rouge eyes of Wonder Woman. He kept her gaze while he spoke with confidence. 


Amanda discretely stepped out of the shadows. His face was unreadable as she raised her chin toward her master. 

"Yes, Commander?"

"How long has it been since the Sanctus Squad reported?" He took a delicate step back as the monster in front him showed its razor teeth.

"Half an hour, sir."

The Commander turned away from his beast and began walking back to his flight room where he had watched the battle moments before. His pace slowed as he approached the window that allowed him to observe the fight and smiled. He placed his hand on the upper corner of the window with great care. A green light flashed from the window pane as it scanned his hand. When it was done, the pane flashed twice and a robotic voice echoed: code accepted. A key pad emerged  from below the scanner and the Commander typed in the sequence 1540E.

Amanda gazed in surprise from the entrance of the room. The floor before her began to creak as a  black chasm revealed itself in the floor. The chasm was as wide as a small vehicle and as black as the soul of a demon. She stared closer at the hole in the floor and saw a flight of stairs revolving downwards into the nothingness. The Commander gestured to Amanda as she regained her focus.

"There's no need to hide your surprise, Ms. Waller. Everyone gets surprised when they stare into the face of death."

 Amanda's heart skipped a beat. "Excuse me, sir?"

The Commander scoffed. "Oh child, not for you. For the ones who are watching us as we speak. Now, be a dear and contact Sanctum Squad." The Commander stepped to the top of the staircase. "Tell them to activate the overgrown bird."

Amanda dropped the hesitation from her voice and nodded. "Yes. Right away, Commander." The last thing she saw was him being swallowed by the darkness of the staircase.


The column of fire that descended was brighter than all of the rest Tempest had projected before. She was fuming with hate and everyone could see that in every movement she made. Her hair flew back from the fire's intensity and moved just as spitefully as her eyes. It was time to finish this once and for all.

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