Epilogue VI: Flash Returns - Crossover Part Two

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Barry's POV:

The Bat Cave. Never gets old in whichever earth, whichever corner of the multiverse, whichever timeline.

Here it's a little different. It is a large stone room that has a bronze light shining throughout the room. As you enter a little bit inside you could find long lights hanging down from the ceiling, that give off the gold radiance. The Bat Cave here too like any other I have seen is the basement of the manor with Alfred and his constructed machines to be fitted into the room.

How can one say it's Alfred's design? Well, it has his classic watermark.

The entry here is through something they call a zeta tube only.

Following the wall directly to the side of the tube is a staircase that leads to a large computer, with a keyboard extending outward from it. Above the computer there are large railings that surround the entire room. They hold large tubes with different chemicals and heating systems as well as vents. The basic structure of the room is across the tube which is an array of large shelves stocked with a variety of items.

There is another room behind the shelves, which is quite dark to see through clearly. With the design and secretive placement it appears to be an invention room. The room appeared to be dark from inside and since not being allowed by Bruce to check the room, it's assumed that the room is rarely used.

Batman calls for Alfred. Alfred approaches with his hands folded behind and walking in a typical military designed suit.

As soon as he looks at me he stutters.

Never seen a stuttering Alfred before to be honest.


What exactly has happened here, on this Earth?

I smile as I try to make Alfred comfortable. Bruce gives a stern look as to remind Alfred to leave and to behave normally.

"What happened here Bruce? Why did Alfred behave in such a manner? As if he never expected to see me? Just tell me one thing. Your Flash also looks like me right? Assuming you look the same as mine Bruce Wayne, I think he must be the same. Isn't that right?"

Bruce does not respond.

"Bruce? Okay I may not be your Flash, but I am a Flash. You could trust me?"

Batman's POV:

"Flash," you died, but Bruce didn't say that. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to tell Flash the truth, or if he even should tell him the truth at all. He didn't know if it would ruin things or if it would create an irreversible paradox. To reply, Batman avoided Flash's gaze and turned his back to the array of shelves. "I think we should focus on the mission at hand. So focus." The last words of his speech were bitter and hard.

Bruce went to the stocked shelves and began to hastily pull different bottles and packages down from them. None of it was anything complex. It was just a few bottles of painkillers along with some bandages and hydrogen peroxide.

Bruce could tell Flash was staring at him in suspicion. There was a strange sense of eagerness that hung in the air, a certain urge to please. Bruce faced Flash again, looking into his eyes. He swallowed as Flash spoke.

"You are not sure? Bruce, I am the Flash of mine Earth and yes I am good enough that you could trust me."

Bruce lowered his shoulders back and tilted his head at Flash. His jaw was clenched as he remembered all of the blood from the scene. All of the tragedy that ripped his heart in two. He suddenly broke eye contact to gather his thoughts into a cohesive stream. He didn't want to tell Flash anything, whether he could be trusted or not. He didn't want Flash to see the monster that slept inside of him. He didn't want Flash to be pushed away. He didn't want anything bad to happen to this Flash.

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