Chapter 3: Stretto

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Stretto. Quickening the speed.


"Oh god, Sienna!" Elle exclaims, a little panicky. "Again?"

Sienna nods, breathing unsteady and bent over at the waist. She leans herself against the nearest wall and focuses on her breathing. "Can you...?"

"Yep, yep, I'll run over. Wait for me here and stay calm, alright? I'll be back in a few minutes." Elle tells her in a reassuring voice. She immediately straightens and turns around, already beginning to run. Unfortunately, she just happens to bump into a person who was heading the other way, and almost falls to her feet.

"Woah, be careful." A voice tells her, grabbing onto her elbows to keep her balanced, and she looks up.

It is Jay Archer, a boy from a few of her classes. She doesn't know him that well, but they have talked enough that she knows he was quite nice, and trustworthy.

Elle's eyes light up after a moment of thought. "Jay! Sorry for crashing into you but-" she quickly glances back at Sienna and her voice speeds up, her words stumbling into one another as she speaks. "Can you do me a favour? You were in my Health class last year, weren't you? You got a certificate in First Aid, I remember."

She doesn't bother waiting for him to answer before she ploughs on, speaking even faster than before. "So, you see, that girl with the dark hair leaning against the wall over there? She's my friend Sienna, and she just got an asthma attack, and she didn't bring her puffer, so I have to go get it... Anyways, the point is, can you look after her and make sure she's okay while I go? I know you don't really know her but I'm kinda worried and I don't want to leave her by herself, so just- yeah... thanks."

The dark-haired boy's eyes widen at how fast Elle was speaking, but he catches the gist and nods. "Um... of course. Go quickly! I'll look after her."

She is off running before he even finishes his sentence.

Jay turns back to his friends uncertainly. "Um, you guys head to practice without me. Tell Coach there was an emergency... oh, actually, Hayden, can you run over and fetch the nurse? Thanks, man."

Not waiting for a reply, he takes a few steps to the wall and kneels down next to Sienna. Now that he thinks about it, she is in a few of his classes...but she seems quite distant towards most people, and they have never talked.

Now, she is sitting on the ground with her hands on her knees and head bent. Her black hair is tied into a loose ponytail, but some strands at the front have escaped, and swishes around whenever she moves.

"Hey, I'm Jay. It's Sienna, right?" Jay speaks, his voice soothing and soft. In his peripheral vision, he notices that Hayden was gone but a few of his friends were still around, walking very slowly. What they do to skip practice...

"I've sent a friend to the Health Centre, and Elle has gone to get your inhaler."

She gives a small nod, her eyes darting around.

"Deep breaths, and maybe purse your lips while you're breathing. Oh damn, I don't think I have anything caffeinated on me..." He curses to himself, setting down his bag and fumbling through it.

After a moment or two, he gives up and drops it, giving Sienna his full attention again. Not knowing what else he could do to help her, he just keeps speaking in a calm voice. He talks about mostly useless things, but also gives a few breathing tips he had learnt before. Elle comes back only a few minutes later, breathless and tired.

Despite that, she doesn't hesitate as she gently pushes Jay aside and plops down next to Sienna on the ground. Jay hears murmurs between the two girls as Elle lifts Sienna's head up for her and passes her the inhaler. She takes it with slightly shaky hands and shakes the thing a few times, and uncaps it, before breathing into it. Some colour returns to her pale face after a few breaths, and Jay stands up, shaking out his cramped legs.

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