Chapter 8

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Rocky and I got out of the pool an hour or so later, we were both hungry so we decided we would go to the closest subway and grab some dinner. I went upstairs and quickly took of my bikini, replacing it with my bra and underwear. I stood in front of my open closest, trying to decide what to wear. I know it is just casual fast food shop, but I feel as though I have to impress Rocky. I looked through  few racks of clothes and then decided on a short red dress. I straightened my hair and put on come mascara quickly. I put on a pair of cute red flats and made my way downstairs to Rocky.

As I approached, he turned around and his jaw dropped. I looked down and blushed at his reaction. It made me feel special and a weird feeling made its way into my stomach at the thought of Rocky thinking I was attractive.

“Jules, what are you wearing?”

I frowned at his question. Did he not like what I was wearing? I put quite a lot of effort into getting ready and my heart dropped as I realised that he didn’t think I looked good.

“I just threw this on, I can go get changed if you want. I think that’s a good idea, I’ll just go now”, I gushed out and turned to run back upstairs.

I felt a hand grip my wrist as I was forcefully turned around and came face to face with a hard chest.

“No, you look great, but why are you so dressed up? We’re just going to subway, it’s nothing special”

“Oh…. I knew that…”, I trailed off and looked away.

“You don’t have to impress me you know” was he a mind reader? “You don’t have to impress anyone”.

“I know it’s just that sometimes I feel as though I’m not good enough for you. Like you deserve someone better, prettier. I just thought that I would dress up so I could feel like I deserve to be with you”

Rocky frowned and ran his fingers down my cheek. He tucked some hair behind my ear and placed his forehead against mine. He stared intensely into my eyes and I think I got lost in his.

“Never think that you aren’t good for me. If anything, I’m not good enough for you. You’re so beautiful and honest, you have constantly forgiven me for my stupid mistakes. You are absolutely perfect in every way”

Have you ever watched the vampire diaries, you know how vampires can compel people by looking in their eyes and telling them stuff. That’s how I felt now. I was so lost in Rocky’s eyes, and his voice was so soft and caring, that I just believed everything that he said.

“I love you so much Rocky Mark Lynch”

“I love you too Julia Grace Monroe’


I ended up getting changed into some jeans and a T-shirt. I felt a lot more comfortable now, but still a bit secure about being seen with Rocky. I mean he is part of one of the world’s biggest bands, with millions of crazed fans.

We went to subway and share a foot long sub. We attempted to eat till we to the middle and our lips would meet, but all the salad and meatballs began to fall out of the bread, so we gave that up quickly.

We spent a few ours in the cramped little store, just laughing and getting to know each other more. He continues to avoid the topic of his family, but I didn’t want to ruin a perfect date so I let it slide and just focused and the date.

After we left, at 10pm, we headed back to my soon as I got into the lounge room, I got pushed down onto the couch and Rocky got on top of me, attacking my lips with his own. He then began to leave wet kisses along my jawline, down to my shoulder. He stopped at a certain point and began sucking and nibbling. I let out a moan and gripped his hair. After a minute or so, he pulled away.

“Wanna take this upstairs?” he asked, his voice sounding deep and husky.

I nodded quickly and he picked me up bridal style, before running up the stairs, and into my room. He gently sat me onto the bed and closed the door. I took of my shirt and he came up and ran his warm hands up my stomach. He kissed me again, only pausing when I tore of his shirt. He unclasped my bra and began to rub around my breasts. I knew what this was going to lead to, and as long as it was with Rocky, I didn’t mind.


Ok so I didn’t really want to do a sex scene, but that’s what happened. Next chapter coming soon don’t worry.

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