Chapter 14

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I was getting let out of hospital today. Jules still hadn't come back since our fight three days ago. They had to keep me longer, afraid that I would try to kill myself again. Ryland also hadn't spoken to me, and I was pretty hurt that my younger brother was acting as if I didn't exist. My mum was being really controlling, and she was treating me like a kid.

I don't think my mum likes Jules. She's always saying bad things about her, when she's never even had a conversation with her. I just want Jules to come back. She is my rock, and I need her here with me.

Someone was supposed to be picking me up from the hospital at 10. It was now 10:15 and still, no one was here. I just sat around on my bed, because for some reason, I wasn't allowed to discharge myself, nor would I be able to drive myself home, I don't have my car.

The door slowly opened, and I looked up to see Jules standing there.


I was sitting in Ethan's house, while he went and got me a glass of water. I came over to talk to him about what went down with my brother. If Ethan really said to him what Ross told us, I would break up with him, no hesitation. But then again, maybe Ethan didn't do anything at all... I'm so confused.

"Here you go" Ethan said as he handed me the glass of water.

I took the glass off him and slowly took a sip.

"So what happened that day between you and Rocky?

He cocked his head in confusion. "What do mean?"

"That day in the kitchen, what happened?"

"I told you he came onto me for no reason"

Something about the way he said that, made me know he was lying. Had he really said all of those awful things to Rocky?

"Really, because I heard that you told him that the band didn't need him, that we were better off without him, and that everything was better without him"

Ethan stayed quiet.

"I can't believe you would say that!" I stood up and turned to leave. I didn't want to be anywhere near him at the moment.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going home, I think it's best we broke up. I can't be with you if you're going to treat my family like crap"

He pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear, "You're not going anywhere"


My heart sped up as I saw her standing there in the doorway. I was so happy to see her here, and she didn't look angry or mad, in fact I couldn't really detect any clear emotion on her face. Before I knew it, she ran forward and leapt into my arms.

I held her tightly as she wrapped her legs around my waist. Having her in my arms felt so right. I had missed her so much over the past two days, more than I thought I could miss anyone. She made me so vulnerable, so fragile. She was my weakness.

I felt something wet running down my cheek, and it took me a while to notice that I was crying. And not just a few tears, within seconds, I was full on sobbing. Jules just held me tighter and ran her fingers through my hair. Normally it would be the other way around, with the girl crying and the boy comforting her, but I just couldn't help the tears that continued to flow.

"Rocky it's ok, everything is going to be fine"

"Please don't leave me"


I finally managed to stop crying and pulled back to look at her. By now, she had unwrapped her legs from my waist and was standing in front of me. She was almost a full head shorter that me when she wasn't wearing heels. I tucked a few stray strands of her behind her ear, and ran my hand across her cheek. I looked into her eyes, and got lost within them. Soon enough my lips were on hers as I kissed her hungrily.


"Let me go Ethan".

I was beyond scared at this point. This was a side of Ethan I had never seen before, I side I was hoping I would never have to see at all. He wasn't his normal loving self he was cold and angry.

"Shut up"

His grip tightened and I could feel his hand sliding up the back of my shirt. Ethan and I had never had sex before, in fact I had never had sex with anyone. I was still a virgin. As he ran his hand along my back, I felt violated. His touch was unwanted and made me feel uncomfortable.

"Let me go!" I shouted this time.

I struggled against his grip, and managed to get free. I turned around and was now face to face with him. He looked mad as hell, and that just made me even more terrified than before. I had no idea what Ethan was capable of when he was this angry. Before I knew what was happening, I found myself on the floor, with an intense pain burning through my right cheek. Ethan had hit me.

I felt my self being picked up off the floor, and flung over his shoulder. I screamed and hit his back angrily with my fists. He just ignored me and continued to make his way upstairs. He opened the door to one of the bedrooms and tossed me onto the bed.

I tried to get up, but he sat on top of me, straddling me, so I couldn't move. Without a second thought he ripped off my shirt and began to feel me up. By now I was crying and just begging him to stop. I knew where this was going, but there is no way I could do anything to stop him. I was too weak.




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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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