Chap.5 - Date and Brads turret

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Phone again blah blah what ever. This chapter there having a date/dinner idk what to call it.
Quick A/N: the two (I made and exception for a third since I have a idea) overwatch players rolls are taken. I still need around 5 people for the fans at blizzcon role

Brads POV

As I finished straightening my tie I thought to my self 'No fuck ups, just keep it cool' I decided to open up twitter as i was waiting for Vero. The same as usual, tweets of overwatch memes,fan art,people wanting me to read their fan fictions and some mo- wait why do so many people write fan fics? Like the fan fics are cute but the people who write them must be really weird. As I was thinking to my self I saw Vero exit the bathroom my jaw dropped, it probably fell off. "V-Vero you l-look amazing" she was wearing a black dress and had her hair down. Her face turned a little bit "T-Thank you Brad, you look amazing too" she said back. "Are Tyrodin and Muselk coming?" Vero questioned, "They are going to a bar" I told her. (Alright so idk if Tyrodin and Muselk are old enough to be drinking so just go along with it)

Shens POV

As we sat down all I could look at was his adorable eyes and hair. "Vero? Are you okay?" Brad asked me in a worried voice, "Yeah, sorry I zoned out" I decided to pick up the menu and look at it to stop zoning out. "Brad your not gonna copy my order right?" I teased him. "W-Why would I do that?" He stuttered. "To impress me" I told him, "Why would I try to impress you? Didn't I impress you when I got the golden bow before you?" He started laughing at his own joke "You fucking cunt!" I kinda laughed too. When we received the check Brad took it away before I got to say 'Let me pay' "Aw look at you, your being such a gentlemen! It's so cute!" I made him red "Shut the fuck up" he said with a smirk. After he paid we went to the car and while he was turning on the engine he said "Do you know what tennis makes me think of? It makes me think of what else i could smash" I got so red "WHAT THE FUCK BRAD?!" He started laughing really hard. "Ha-Ha it's not that funny when some one does it to" I knew exactly what he was talking about "Brandi-Chan I hope you go into turret mode, I really wanna see your long turret" he got really red too "I fucking hate you" he said while covering his face "I love you too" I told him. What I saw made me loose it, I felt like I was gonna die of laughter "Brad-  you-  you-" was all I managed to say, "WHAT???" He asked with a high pitch voice crack. I managed to take s breath and say what I was going to say "You have a boner!" I went back to laughing, I could feel my (all right so idk anything about make up so I'm Goni going to assume it's mascara that starts to go away when you cry) mascara starting to go away from all my tears. "WHAT DO YOU EXCEPT??? ITS A NORMAL GUY THING ALRIGHT!" He said while hitting his head against the steering wheel. "Hey Brad..." i grabbed his hand "let's go back to the hotel it's getting late."

Thanks for reading and I just want to mention something,huge thanks for 250 views!

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