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An offer? "What's that supposed to mean?" You asked, still almost delirious with excitement. "An offer that you'll like." He said with his quirky little smirk that usually means hes up to no good. But then again, hes Tony Stark, and hes always up to something. He stood up and stretched his back and looked you dead in the eyes. "Stand up." You stood, awkwardly twisting your hands around in the handcuffs. Tony slowly turning towards the officer. "Uncuff her." Tony said with such authority that you didn't even know the sarcastic man was capable of. The officer stammered for a little bit while fumbling with his keys, but he eventually gained control and walked over to you. As he approached you, you saw the confusion on his face. You wanted to tell him that you were just as confused as he was, but no words would come out of your mouth. The handcuffs fell away as soon as the keys turned, and Tony turned around and walked into the drab hallway of the police station. With a quick glance over his shoulder, he asked "Are you coming?" And you set off after him.
You caught up quickly, despite how short your legs were compared to Tony's. That was just one of your new powers. Enhanced speed, along with enhanced strength, sight, hearing, everything. He turned to look at you as you came you came up behind him, but turned back and looked every officer in the eyes before he pushed open the grimy glass doors. "Where are we going?" You asked, very confused. "Ill explain once we're in the car."

The car. In your mind, you had pictured a car just like you had been brought in inside of. Black and blacker. But when Tony clicked his keys, the car that lit up definitely was not what you expected, though, it was Tony Stark, and you really didn't know why you didn't expect it. A bright red convertible pulled itself up to the curb, doing a perfect parallel parking job right in between two cop cars. The car must have navigated the busy streets on its own. Tony Stark, always astounding the world with new technology.

Tony hopped into the drivers seat, gesturing at the passenger seat for you to sit down. "Hurry up before they realize that I'm not actually allowed to do this!" Tony said. You hopped into the car and closed the door, and Tony raised the roof of the convertible, closing the cold air out. Tony turned to tu as he pushed the button to turn on the car. "Now about that offer, how would you like a job with the Avengers?"

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