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Steve's POV:

As I walk down the hallway, I take a glance over at Buck, who is stepping into his new room. The door closes behind him, the new nameplate glistening in the light from the floor to ceiling windows.

"Hows Mister Manchurian Candidate doin' over there?" Tony saunters up to me.

"I really don't know. He's not the most open guy. He used to be, but, I don't know, he's drained. More than anyone." I shook my head.

"Well I just came from the kitchen, and it's not pretty in there. Sam's taking most of the blame from (Y/N). For some reason, Tash wants to call in Fury. I told her that was the worst possible idea for this situation other than just blowing up the tower, though Fury might do that himself if we tell him that we broke his favorite agent."

"Oh boy. Should I go talk to her?" Tony nodded.

"I'd rather have her rip your head off than mine."



Natasha's POV:

(Y/N) was not taking this very well, I mean, who could blame her. We basically just reintroduced her literal worst nightmare. The thing that confused me is that Bucky looked scared of her, even though he was the one who was doing the torturing. Strange, but not the prominent topic at the moment.

She's been switching back and forth between angry and an emotion that I can't quite pinpoint, which is basically her sitting down and staring off into space. Tony just left to check on Bucky and Steve, slightly pissed off when (Y/N) broke one of his big expensive vases.

At the moment, she was sitting on the floor, staring out into nothing. She looked pretty stationary at the moment, so I walked up to Steve, who had just come into the room.

"Ya know, this is probably a really bad idea." Steve gave me an 'I know Nat. You said that earlier.' Kind of face that I always get from him. "I'm serious Steve. The two worlds deadliest assassins, living right next to each other. You know, she could kill him at 3 am and we wouldn't know until tomorrow morning." He looked at me for a second, pondering what I had just said.

"Yeah I guess, but she wouldn't do that, would she?" He questioned, eyeing her and Sam on the couch. Sam was trying to talk to her, but it was like she was talking to a shell. No one was home.

"Oh shit." I dashed over to her, looking into her blank eyes.

"Nat what's wrong?" Sam and Steve ask in unison.

"Do you guys remember what she looked like while she was having the flashback?" We all turned to her still form.

"Oh shit."
(Regular POV)

I laid still as the guards dragged me down the hall. It took all my strength to not be writhing in pain, as they had just given me a huge dosage of whatever they decided to use today.

"Wow." I groaned, making the guards turn around and look at me expectantly. "You guys are trying really hard these past few weeks..." I trailed off for a second, stabilizing my jumbled thoughts. "So that means little Soldier Boy is either hurt, dead or," I thought for a second before a large grin spread across my face. I began to laugh aloud. "He got captured, didn't he?" I said between laughs. "Well, that's just wonderful. You have one that's gone missing, and one that won't listen! I hope you understand how much deep shit you're in, cause' it's only getting worse from here." His fist slammed into my delirious face, causing me to laugh even more. 

"You assholes know, that when I get out of here, oh and you can bet your lives that I will get out, I will come back and personally slaughter every single person in this building." That made them laugh. "Oh, you think I'm joking? Let me give you a mental image. Imagine bodies scattered every which way, all over the floor, blood painting the walls. Imagine your flesh hanging from the ceiling, bruised and battered, one punch for every time you've punched me." I leaned closer, a maniacal grin sprawled across my face. "And baby, believe me when I say this, I've been counting." The drugs finally take over my mind, forcing a harsh darkness over everything. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TIIIIIIMMMMMEEEE SKKKIIPPP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 When I awoke, I was back in the cell, my jaw and ribs hurting even more than earlier, so I went and took a look in the minuscule mirror that was provided to me by my 'oh so generous guards. ' there were several more angry bruises on my face and chest, so I began to count. Once I had finished, I approached the cell door, standing on the tip of my toes to see out of the metal bars on top. One of that guards was standing there, Anatoly, I believe. I lean into the bars as far as I can and begin to whisper. "That's thirteen more. Thirteen more punches on your already dead bodies." 

(End Flashback) 

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!"You slowly faded back in to hear frantic yelling. Faces seem to materialize in front of your eyes, the faces of your new friends, plus Sam, who is in a frenzy, waving his hands and shouting in your ear. You quickly push everyone off of you, causing Sam to fall backward onto the coffee table. "Jeez guys, it's not like I was dying, chill out." Steve lets out an audible sigh of relief, while Nat gives me an 'oh really' face. "I'm fine. Seriously. Memories were always a bitch, weren't they?" You chuckled, but Sam didn't look amused, he looked more panicked than anything. "Yes, they were. They always will be." Steve said from a bit farther away. "Ya'know, I kinda miss when they would just erase all the really bad ones."


Hey guys,

 IM SO SORRY. ALMOST THREE MONTHS WITHOUT AN UPDATE. I AM ACTUALLY THE WORST. I STILL LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH.pLZ 4GIVE MEEEEEEEE. Also, on a calmer note, thank you guys so much for 920 reads! You guys are the best! And don't think that I forgot about the song of the chapter. The song is "Back From The Edge" by James Arthur. At the moment, this is my favorite song, so you guys should definitely go check it out. 

NOTICE: So recently, I have stumbled across something that I really love and I think you guys will love too. It's for Chrome users, and its called InteractiveFics. It's free on Google Web Store and what it does is basically every time (Y/N) or another abbreviation comes up in a fic, it will change it to your name. It's really awesome and all around a great experience, so you guys should check it out! + FANGIRL OUT 

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