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Bucky's POV:

She's haunting me. The image of her, bloody but not broken, smiling at me defiantly, knowing that whatever I do, whatever any of us do, nothing will break her. I think that she scared all of us. And that's why they needed her. If they couldn't break her mind, they would break her body. Make her into something she couldn't even comprehend. Turn her into something like me. Only worse.

I should speak to her, but not soon. She'll probably tear out my throat if I come anywhere near her at this point. It's not like I don't deserve it, but maybe I can begin to make things right. Where would that conversation even start? Hey (Y/N), sorry I shot you in the leg, captured you, tortured you, and let you get injected with ungodly amounts of serum concocted by some of the evilest people out there. Oops?

I'll wait. I don't want to be even more of an asshole than I already am. Soon, I begin to drift off into sleep, and one only knows what that means. Memories. Worse than ever before.

The girl passed out again, and I can't blame her. They took twenty years to finish me, and they're trying to make her better than me in such a short amount of time. I can't imagine what that does to a person.

"Soldier!" I stand at attention. "Take her to the interrogation room. See if the serum has loosened her mind some more." I nodded my head, not daring to disobey orders. As I marched up to the girl, her eyes fluttered open slightly, and she gave a weak smirk, followed by a quiet chuckle. I looked around to see if anyone else had heard, but all the scientists had resumed their normal work.

I grabbed her arm roughly and dragged her off the table, waiting for her to stumble to her feet so we could get moving. As soon as she did so, I grabbed her arm again and dragged her her out the door and down the dimly lit hallway. At times, the lights would flicker, sometimes turning off completely. She stumbled along beside me, limping slightly. The lights switched off and on again, god it was annoying. We walked further down the hallway, nearing the interrogation room, and I could tell that she did NOT want to go in there.

She stiffened slightly and looked up, but I continued dragging her. Stupid me. The lights flashed out, and I felt her wrench her arm out of mine. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw a form heading towards my face, giving me just enough time to block. Her bare fist clanged off my metal arm, but another punch came around and hit me on the side of the head. I stumbled back a bit but immediately got back into the fight. Damn, that girl hits hard. The one thing I had to my advantage was that she was tired. I don't even think I would be able to take her if she was at full strength. We grappled for a bit, slamming each other into walls until I finally got the upper hand. I pinned her arms to the ground, but I earned a big kick to the nuts by her. I loosened my grip slightly at the sudden pain. She squirmed out of my grip, standing and ready to fight again.

"God Soldier Boy, are you out of shape or something?" She smirked at me, wiping the blood off her face. She sprinted at me again, throwing punches this way and that, so many that I can't dodge. I get pounded and pounded, over and over, punch after punch, until my saving grace. Two guards must have heard the commotion and come running. I saw them sprinting down the hallway, but there was nothing they could do to stop her without my help. She was just too strong.

With the last bit of my strength, I pushed her off me and onto the floor, pinning her as she scrambled to get up. The guards grabbed her from me, using several pairs of handcuffs to chain her to a metal railing on the wall. One of them hauled me up while the other called for backup.

"Soldier, what the hell happened?"

"She beat me."


Regular POV:

"I'm ok, I promise. That happens all the time. It's nothing to worry about. Seriously Sam." You pushed him off slightly.

"The thing is, even though I haven't seen you in a few years, I know that's not true. I still know you best." You lowered my head slightly at his words.

"I'm just gonna go to bed now. See you guys in the morning." You said quietly, padding off to your room in silence. Room after room passed, and you already felt like you knew this place by heart, every name on every door, every turn, every little broom closet. As you made it to your room, you looked to the side again. Was The Winter Soldier the mysterious Barnes? Oh god please no.


Natasha's POV: 

"Now I know a lot of people who bottle up their emotions, me being one of the main culprits, but that isn't healthy. One day she's gonna pop, and I have no clue what'll happen then." I glanced at Sam, who nodded solemnly.

All he could respond with was another curt nod and some indistinct mumbling under his breath as he walked away and towards his room. Damn.



Been a while hasn't it? Eh, no one ever reads these anyways. Banana porcupines, bird shrivel, Mylin, gords, apple table. OK, im done. Sorry for the lack of updates, been busy with school and such. The song of the chapter is "Cloud by Elias" Ok have fuuun my friends!!!


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